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Colloquium Celebrates 90 Years of Physics at USP

On October 25, 2024, the Department of Physics of Materials and Mechanics (DFMT) celebrated an important milestone with the colloquium "90 Years of Physics at USP: Revisiting the Past and Thinking about the Future". The event, held in the Adma Jafet Auditorium, brought together renowned researchers and professors for a day of enriching presentations and discussions.

Seminar of the Department of Materials Physics and Mechanics

The Department of Materials Physics and Mechanics of the Institute of Physics invites everyone to attend the seminars:

Non-Hermitian fluctuations and exceptional points in Fermi fluids

Speaker: Dr. Rui Aquino dos Santos da Silva - ICTP/IFT 

- Date: June 7, 2024 (Friday)
- Time: às 10h30 AM
- Location: José Roberto Leite Seminar Room - Alessandro Volta Building (Block C) - Ground Floor - Room 110

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Master's student from FMT/IFUSP receives best poster award at optics and photonics event


IFUSP/FMT Master's Student Receives Best Poster Award

Presentation of work by the GCTI-THz group at IFUSP receives distinction at Optics and Photonics event.
With information from researcher Felix Hernandez.

