Full name: Luiz Carlos Camargo Miranda Nagamine
Department: FMT
Building: MSC - Mario Schenberg
Office: 207
Position: PhD Professor
Phone: (55)(11) 3091-6877
E-mail: nagamine@if.usp.br
Additional E-mail: lccmnagamine@gmail.com
Curriculum Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9733416895357435
Luiz Carlos Camargo Miranda Nagamine completed his Ph.D. in Physics at the University of São Paulo in 1994. He was an associate professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and is currently a full professor, MS-3, at the University of São Paulo. He has published 57 articles in specialized journals and works in the field of physics, with an emphasis on magnetic materials and magnetic properties, thin films, magnetic nanoparticles, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. In his professional activities, he has collaborated with 65 co-authors on scientific papers. He has coordinated regular projects for FAPESP and reviewed projects for FAPESP and CNPq.