Luis Gegorio Godoy de Vasconcellos Dias da Silva

Full name: Luis Gregorio Godoy de Vasconcellos Dias da Silva
Department: FMT
Building: AVC - Alessandro Volta C
Office: 214
Position: Associate Professor
Phone: (55) (11) 3091-7154
Web of Science (Researcher ID):
He holds a bachelor's degree in Physics (1995), a master's degree in Physics (1997) and a doctorate in Science (2002) from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). He holds post-doctoral degrees from the Federal University of São Carlos (2002-2004), Ohio University (Ohio, USA, 2004-2007) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Tennessee, USA, 2007-2010). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Materials Physics Department of the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo (USP). His current lines of research include electronic transport and correlation effects in nanostructured materials, topological insulators and superconductors, the Kondo effect, quantum phase transitions, non-equilibrium effects and computational methods based on renormalization groups (NRG and DMRG).