Gabriela Volpini Soffiati

Full name: Gabriela Volpini Soffiati
Department: FMT
Building: VDG - Van de Graaff
Office: 10
Position: Post - doc
supervisor: Caetano Rodrigues Miranda
Phone: (55)(11) 3091-7039
Bachelor's degree in Chemistry (2016), master's degree in Chemistry (2018), and Ph.D. in Chemistry from the State University of Campinas, supervised by Prof. Dr. Miguel Angel San Miguel, focusing on the theoretical study of electrochemical reactions on platinum surfaces using Density Functional Theory (DFT). During the doctoral period, she also conducted research at Leiden University in the Netherlands on the electrocatalytic reduction of glyceraldehyde, using first-principles calculations. Currently, she is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Physics at USP (IFUSP) working on a project involving electrolyzers and fuel cells.