Raul Guilherme Batista Mendes

Full name: Raul Guilherme Batista Mendes
Departaent: FMT
Building: MSC - Mario Schemberg
Office: 105-A
Position: Post-doc
Supervisor: Rafael Sa de Freitas
Phone: (55) (11) 3091-7098
E-mail de Contato: rgmendes@if.usp.br
Additional e-mail: rgmendes@usp.br

Graduated in physics from UFMG (2010), he completed his experimental master's degree (2014) and theoretical doctorate (2019) at UFSJ, where he studied, respectively, the magnetocaloric effect in rare earth-based antiferromagnetic compounds and the use of analytical and numerical methods to solve classical spin models. He is currently doing his post-doctoral internship with Prof. Dr. Rafael Sá de Freitas in the Solid State and Low Temperature Laboratory, studying frustrated magnetic systems through the synthesis and characterization of pyrochlore compounds.