Daniel de Martini Rivera Ferreira

Full name: Daniel de Martini Rivera Ferreira
Department: FMT
Building: AVC - Alessandro Volta C
Office: 204
Position: PhD Student
Supervisor: Gustavo Dalpian
Phone: (+55)(11) 3091-6831
Additional e-mail: ddmrferreira@gmail.com

PhD student in the field of quantum materials physics, with an emphasis on symmetry breaking in strongly correlated systems. He seeks to understand how interactions between the different microscopic degrees of freedom of complex systems, and the relationship with their symmetries, lead to electronic and magnetic properties. The research involves the use of advanced computational methods, such as Density Functional Theory (DFT) and its extensions for strong correlations. One of the points is to always seek to integrate theory and experimental results, exploring new approaches to symmetry breaking and its consequences for understanding exotic properties in quantum materials.