Nicolas Massarico Kawahala


Full name: Nicolas Massarico Kawahala
Department: FMT
Building: MSC - Mario Schenberg
Office: 103
Position: Postdoctoral researcher
Supervisor: Felix Guillermo Gonzalez Hernandez
Phone: +55 (11) 3091-7097
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Web of Science (Researcher ID):

PhD in Physics from the University of São Paulo (2023), with a bachelor's degree (2016) and master's degree (2019) from the same institution. He has experience in Condensed Matter Physics, focusing on optical/terahertz spectroscopy, magneto-optics, spintronics, and electronic transport, as well as instrumentation and applications in Python. During his PhD, he built the time-domain terahertz spectroscopy (THz-TDS) setup currently used by the Terahertz Science, Technology, and Innovation Group (GCTI-THz) at IFUSP, receiving the Outstanding Instrumentation Award in 2024. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher and technical training fellow at the Department of Materials Physics and Mechanics at IFUSP, focusing on THz-TDS applications in quantum materials.