Full name: Esteban Marulanda Ardila
Department: FMT
Building: Ed. Mario Schenberg
Office: 113
Position: MSc student
Supervisor: Felix G. G. Hernandez
Phone: (+55)(11) 91364-8776
E-mail: estebma@usp.br
Curriculum Lattes: https://lattes.cnpq.br/4464129970858496
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=78RRSaYIAAAAJ&hl=es
He has a degree in Fouriers Optics, and Optical Information Processi from the Universidad de Antioquia (2023) and a secondary education degree from I. e. la salle campoamor (2014). E. LA SALLE DE CAMPOAMOR(2014). He has experience in Physics.