Retired IFUSP Professor turns 105 on June 8, 2024.


Tribute from the Head of the Department of Materials Physics and Mechanics at IFUSP

On the occasion of his 100th birthday, the Department of Materials Physics and Mechanics submitted a tribute to Prof. Carlos José de Azevedo Quadros, authored by Prof. Nei Fernandes de Oliveira Júnior, for publication in BIFUSP [year 38 - #17]. Now, it couldn't be any different, and it is with great pride and satisfaction that the Department reiterates this affectionate gesture on the occasion of his 105th birthday! Something so uncommon! Unprecedented.
Prof. Quadros, as he was known, was hired by Prof. Mario Schenberg and began his activities at USP in 1960. He had the important and successful mission of leading, with remarkable leadership, the establishment of the first Low Temperature Laboratory (LBT) in Brazil: the initial core of DFMT. He was the first Head of the Department of Materials Physics and Mechanics, from 1970 to 1974, and again between 1975 and 1976. He became a Full Professor through a competitive exam in the 'Chair of Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics' in 1974. He retired in 1983. He resides in São Paulo.
Once again, congratulations and best wishes on your birthday, Prof. Quadros! These are the warm and heartfelt wishes from the entire DFMT community.