By luiz

Competing magnetic states on the surface of multilayer ABC-stacked graphene
Physical Revew B
Lauro Barreto Braz et. al
We are pleased to announce that the article by doctoral student Lauro Barreto Braz, titled "Competing magnetic states on the surface of multilayer ABC-stacked graphene," has been highlighted as an editor's suggestion in the prestigious journal Physical Review B. This selection underscores the relevance and quality of the work conducted.
Lauro's article, in collaboration with Tanay Nag and Annica M. Black-Schaffer, investigates the magnetic states emerging on the surface of ABC-stacked multilayer graphene, driven by zero-energy topological flat bands. Utilizing the random phase approximation, the study reveals the presence of multiple competing magnetic states, resulting in a variety of magnetic orders depending on interaction strength and doping. This research not only advances the theoretical understanding of rhombohedral graphene but also opens new possibilities for technological applications in magnetic and superconducting materials.
This achievement is of great importance to the Department of Physics of Materials and Mechanics (FMT), the Institute of Physics, and the University of São Paulo (USP). It not only highlights the academic excellence and dedication of our students but also strengthens USP's position as a leading institution in global scientific research. We celebrate Lauro's success and acknowledge the positive impact that this type of recognition brings to our academic community.