Miguel Alfredo Vera Moreno


Full name: Miguel Alfredo Vera Moreno
Department: FMT
Building: Novo Milemiun
Office: 7
Position: Post-Doc
Supervisor: Caetano R. Miranda
Phone: (55) (11) 3091-6985
Aditional E-mail: miguelfisik@gmail.com
Holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) (FAPERJ Nota 10 Scholar), Brazil (2016-2018), and a Master's degree in Physics. Postdoctoral research at the Federal University of Fluminense-RJ (UFF) and Paulista State University (IFT). Holds a bachelor's degree in Physics from the National University of Trujillo (2012), Peru. Has experience in the field of theoretical Physics, with an emphasis on statistical mechanics, particularly in the area of Non-equilibrium Thermodynamic Statistical Mechanics, with applications in simulations using the C language. Also has experience in Machine Learning and Data Science with Python, MATLAB, and participated in a Data Engineering bootcamp.