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ABDALLA, L B ; PADILHA JOSÉ, E ; SCHMIDT, T M ; MIWA, R H ; FAZZIO, A. Topological phase transitions of (Bi x Sb 1− x ) 2 Se 3 alloys by density functional theory. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 27, p. 255501, issn: 09538984, 2015.  |
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ARAGÓN, F H ; COAQUIRA, J A H ; VILLEGAS-LELOVSKY, L ; DA SILVA, S W ; CESAR, D F ; Nagamine, L C C M ; Cohen, R ; MENÉNDEZ-PROUPIN, E ; MORAIS, P C. Evolution of the doping regimes in the Al-doped SnO 2 nanoparticles prepared by a polymer precursor method. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 27, p. 095301, issn: 09538984, 2015.  |
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Aragón, F. H. ; COAQUIRA, J. A. H. ; COHEN, R. ; NAGAMINE, L. C. C. M. ; SIVA, S. W. ; MORAIS, P. C.. Thermal-annealing effects on the structural and magnetic properties of 10% Fe-doped SnO2 nanoparticles synthetized by a polymer precursor method. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 375, p. 74-79, issn: 03048853, 2015.  |
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BOSCH-SANTOS, B. ; CARBONARI, A. W. ; CABRERA-PASCA, G. A. ; SAXENA, R. N. ; Freitas, R. S.. The magnetic behavior of the intermetallic compound NdMn2Ge2 studied by magnetization and hyperfine interactions measurements. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 117, p. 17E304, issn: 00218979, 2015.  |
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DA SILVA, DELMARCIO GOMES ; HIROSHI TOMA, SERGIO ; DE MELO, FERNANDO MENEGATTI ; CARVALHO, LARISSA VIEIRA C. ; MAGALHÃES, ALVICLER ; SABADINI, EDVALDO ; DOS SANTOS, ANTÔNIO DOMINGUES ; ARAKI, KOITI ; TOMA, E HENRIQUE E.. Direct Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles from Iron(Ii) Carboxymethylcellulose and Their Performance as NMR Contrast Agents. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 397, p. 28-32, issn: 03048853, 2015.  |
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DO NASCIMENTO, RAFAEL R. ; LIMA, FILIPE C. D. A. ; Gonçalves, Marcos B. ; ERRICO, LEONARDO A. ; RENTERÍA, MARIO ; Petrilli, Helena M.. Metal coordination study at Ag and Cd sites in crown thioether complexes through DFT calculations and hyperfine parameters. Journal of Molecular Modeling (Print). v. 21, p. 97-1-97-7, issn: 16102940, 2015.  |
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FREITAS, R.S. ; PADUAN-FILHO, A. ; BECERRA, C.C.. Magnetic phase diagram of the low-anisotropy antiferromagnet Cs2FeCl5 H2O. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 374, p. 307-310, issn: 03048853, 2015.  |
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GLASER, TALITA ; BUENO, VÂNIA B ; CORNEJO, DANIEL R ; PETRI, DENISE F S ; ULRICH, HENNING. Neuronal adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of embryonic stem cells on hybrid scaffolds made of xanthan and magnetite nanoparticles. Biomedical Materials. v. 10, p. 045002, issn: 1748605X, 2015.  |
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GONÇALVES, E. S. ; CORNEJO, D. R. ; OLIVEIRA, C. L. P. ; FIGUEIREDO NETO, A. M. ; DEPEYROT, J. ; TOURINHO, F. A. ; AQUINO, R.. Magnetic and structural study of electric double-layered ferrofluid with MnFe 2 O 4 @ γ − Fel. Physical Review. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print). v. 91, p. 042317, issn: 15393755, 2015. |
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Govea-Alcaide, E. ; MACHADO, I. F. ; Jardim, R. F.. 10 to 25-fold increase in the transport superconducting critical current density of spark-plasma sintered Bi-2223 superconductors. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 117, p. 043903, issn: 00218979, 2015.  |
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Gusev, G.M. ; KVON, Z.D. ; SHEGAI, O.A. ; MIKHAILOV, N.N. ; DVORETSKY, S.A.. Aharonov Bohm effect in 2D topological insulator. Solid State Communications. v. 205, p. 4-8, issn: 00381098, 2015.  |
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HENRIQUES, A. B. ; CORDEIRO, R. C. ; KOENRAAD, P. M. ; OTTEN, F. W. M. ; BAYER, M.. Model for the light-induced magnetization in singly charged quantum dots. Physical Review B. v. 91, p. 081303, issn: 1550235X, 2015.  |
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Jardim, R. F. ; BARBETA, V. B. ; ANDRADE, S. ; ESCOTE, M. T. ; Cordero, F. ; TORIKACHVILI, M. S.. Metal-insulator transition in Nd1−xEuxNiO3: Entropy change and electronic delocalization. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 117, p. 17C105, issn: 00218979, 2015.  |
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LEVIN, A. D. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; KVON, Z. D. ; BAKAROV, A. K. ; SAVOSTIANOVA, N. A. ; MIKHAILOV, S. A. ; RODYAKINA, E. E. ; LATYSHEV, A. V.. Giant Microwave Photo-Conductance of a Tunnel Point Contact with a Bridged Gate. Applied Physics Letters. v. 107, p. 072112-1-072112-4, issn: 00036951, 2015. |
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LIMA, B.L.S. ; MAXIMINO, F.L. ; SANTOS, J.C. ; Santos, A.D.. Direct method for magnetostriction coefficient measurement based on atomic force microscope, illustrated by the example of TB-CO film. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 395C, p. 336-339, issn: 03048853, 2015.  |
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LIU, QIHANG ; ZHANG, XIUWEN ; ABDALLA, L. B. ; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO ; ZUNGER, ALEX. Switching a Normal Insulator into a Topological Insulator via Electric Field with Application to Phosphorene. Nano Letters (Print). v. 15, p. 1222-1228, issn: 15306984, 2015.  |
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MACHADO, W. V. M. ; JUSTO, J. F. ; ASSALI, L. V. C.. Iron and manganese-related magnetic centers in hexagonal silicon carbide: A possible roadmap for spintronic devices. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 118, p. 045704, issn: 00218979, 2015.  |
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MESQUITA, A. ; RHODES, F.P. ; DA SILVA, R.T. ; NEVES, P.P. ; DE ZEVALLOS, A.O. ; ANDREETA, M.R.B. ; DE LIMA, M.M. ; CANTARERO, A. ; DA SILVA, I.S. ; BOSELLI, M.A. ; GRATENS, X. ; CHITTA, V.A. ; DORIGUETTO, A.C. ; FERRAZ, W.B. ; SABIONI, A.C.S. ; DE CARVALHO, H.B.. Dynamics of the incorporation of Co into the wurtzite ZnO matrix and its magnetic properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 637, p. 407-417, issn: 09258388, 2015.  |
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MIWA, R. H. ; KAGIMURA, R. ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; Fazzio, A.. Valley Hall effect in silicene and hydrogenated silicene ruled by grain boundaries: An ab initio investigation.Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 91, p. 205442-1-205442-9, issn: 10980121, 2015.  |
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MOURA, EDMILSON M ; GARCIA, MARCO AURÉLIO SULLER ; GONÇALVES, RENATO VITALINO ; KIYOHARA, PEDRO K ; JARDIM, RENATO ; ROSSI, LIANE MARCIA. Gold Nanoparticles Supported on Magnesium Ferrite and Magnesium Oxide for the Selective Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences. v. 5, p. 15035-15041, issn: 20462069, 2015.  |
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OLSHANETSKY, E.'B. ; KVON, Z.'D. ; GUSEV, G.'M. ; LEVIN, A.'D. ; RAICHEV, O.'E. ; MIKHAILOV, N.'N. ; DVORETSKY, S.'A.. Persistence of a Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator State in Wide HgTe Quantum Wells. Physical Review Letters (Print). v. 114, p. 126802-1-126802-5, issn: 00319007, 2015.  |
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PADILHA, J. E. ; FAZZIO, A. ; DA SILVA, ANTÔNIO J R. van der Waals heterostructure of phosphorene and graphene: Tuning the Schottky barrier and doping by electrostatic gating. Physical Review Letters (Print). v. 114, p. 066803-1-066803-5, issn: 00319007, 2015.  |
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PEDROSO, D M ; PASSARO, A ; DACAL, L C O ; VIEIRA, G S ; SILVA, E C F ; Quivy, A A. Computation of dark current in QWIPs using a modelling based on Ehrenfest theorem.Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 48, p. 365102-365102-7, issn: 00223727, 2015.  |
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PIANCIOLA, B. N. ; LIMA JUNIOR, E. ; TROIANI, H. E. ; Nagamine, L.C.C.M. ; COHEN, R. ; ZYSLER, R. D.. Size and surface effects in the magnetic order of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 377, p. 44-51, issn: 03048853, 2015.  |
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RAMOS, RODRIGO ; SIQUEIRA, MELISSA F. ; CAZATI, THIAGO ; FARIA, ROBERTO M. ; Caldas, Marilia J.. Polarized emission from stretched PPV films viewed at the molecular level. PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Print). v. 17, p. 20530-20536, issn: 14639076, 2015.  |
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Sandim, M.J.R. ; FARRÃO, F.U. ; OLIVEIRA, V.B. ; BREDDA, E.H. ; Santos, A.D. ; DOS SANTOS, C.A.M. ; Sandim, H.R.Z.. Effect of tempering on the microstructure, electrical, and magnetic properties of Eurofer-97 steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials. v. 461, p. 265-270, issn: 00223115, 2015.  |
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SANTOS, EVELYN C. S. ; DOS SANTOS, THIAGO CUSTÓDIO ; GUIMARÃES, RENATO ; ISHIDA, LINA ; FREITAS, RAPHAEL ; MACHADO RONCONI, CÉLIA. Guanidine-functionalized Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles as basic recyclable catalysts for biodiesel production. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences. v. 5, p. 48031-48038, issn: 20462069, 2015.  |
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SEIXAS, L. ; WEST, D. ; Fazzio, A. ; ZHANG, S. B.. Vertical twinning of the Dirac cone at the interface between topological insulators and semiconductors. Nature Communications. v. 6, p. 7630, issn: 20411723, 2015.  |
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TORRES, ALBERTO ; PONTES, RENATO BORGES ; DA SILVA, ANTONIO JOSE ROQUE ; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Tuning the Thermoelectric Properties of a Single-Molecule Junction by Mechanical Stretching. PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Print). v. 17, p. 5386-5392, issn: 14639076, 2015.  |
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VIQUEIRA, M. S. ; POZO-LÓPEZ, G. ; URRETA, S. E. ; CONDÓ, A. M. ; CORNEJO, D. R. ; FABIETTI, L. M.. Cooperative nucleation modes in polycrystalline CoxPd1−x nanowires.Journal of Applied Physics. v. 117, p. 204301, issn: 00218979, 2015.  |
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VIQUEIRA, M.S. ; POZO-LÓPEZ, G. ; URRETA, S.E. ; CONDÓ, A.M. ; Cornejo, D.R. ; FABIETTI, L.M. Magnetic hysteresis in small-grained CoxPd1−x nanowire arrays. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 394, p. 185-194, issn: 03048853, 2015.  |
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WATANABE, S ; ESPINOZA, S R Q ; CHUBACI, J F D ; CANO, N F ; Cornejo, D R. Optical Absorption and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance studies of two different solid solutions of Pyralspite Garnet. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Online). v. 80, p. 012014, issn: 1757899X, 2015.  |