Artigos de Periódicos 1987

1.   AMARAL, O. A. V. ; ANTONELLI, A ; FAZZIO, A. . Analysis of Pseudo-Jahn-Teller Instability: O, S and N- in Silicon. Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 35, p. 6450, 1987.
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2.   ASSALI, L. V. C. ; LEITE, J. R. . Electronic Properties of Iron-Boron Impurity Pair in Silicon. Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 36, p. 1296-1299, 1987.
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3.   ASSALI, L. V. C. ; LEITE, J. R. . Ground State Electronic Properties of Fe-B Complex Pair in Silicon. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. 32-S21, p. 89-97, 1987.
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4.   BECERRA, C. C. ; PADUAN FILHO A. ; OLIVEIRA, N. F. ; ORTIZ, W. A. . Determination Of The Spin Reorientation Direction at the S. F. Transition of CuCl2. 2H2O, CoCl2. 6H2O and CoBr2. 6H2O. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 66, p. 403-408, 1987.
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5.   BECERRA, C. c. ; PADUAN FILHO, A. ; OLIVEIRA Jr. , N. F. ; ORTIZ, W. A. . Determination of the Spin Reorientation at the Spin-Flop Transition of CouCl Indice 2 Vezes 2H Indice 2 O, CoBr Indice 2 Vezes 6H Indice 2 O and CoBr Indice 2 Vezes 6h Indice 2 O Using Transversal Differential Magnetization Measurements. J. MAG. MAG. MATS. , v. 66, p. 403-99999, 1987.
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6.   Becerra CC ; PADUAN FILHO, ; N. F. Oliveira Jr. ; ORTIZ, W. A. . Determination Of The Spin Reorientations Direction At The Spin-Flop Transsition Of Cocl Indice 2 Vezes 2h Indice 2 O, Cocl Indice 2 Vezes 6h Indice 2 O And Cobr Indice 2 Vezes 6h Indice 2 O Using Transversal Differential Magnetization Measurements. J. MAG. MAG. MAT. , v. 63, p. 403-99999, 1987.
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7.   CHAVES, A S ; OLIVEIRA, G M G ; GOMES, V M S ; LEITE, J. R. . The Effect of In-Plane Magnetic Fields on the Quantum States of Carriers in Quantum Wells in GaAs-AlGaAs Heterostructures. Superlattices and Microstructures, v. 3, p. 231, 1987.
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8.   FAZZIO, A. . Progress in the Study of Transition Metal Impurities in III-V and II-VI Semiconductors. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. S21, p. 65, 1987.
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9.   FAZZIO, A. ; MOTA, R. . On the Possibility of Negative-U System for Transition Metal Impurities in Semiconductors. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. S21, p. 73, 1987.
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10.   FERRAZ, A. C. ; SRIVASTAVA, G P . Determination of the Surface Geometry of GaAs(001) by the Total Energy and Force Methods. Surface Science, v. 182, p. 161-178, 1987.
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11.   GOMES, V M S ; CHAVES, A S ; LEITE, J. R. ; WORLOCK, J M . Self-Consistent Calculations of the 2D Electron Densities in Modulation Doped Superlattices. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Lancaster, v. 35, p. 3984, 1987.
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12.   GOMES, V M S ; OLIVEIRA, G M G ; LEITE, J. R. ; CHAVES, A S . Intersubband Transition Energies in Quantum Wells in n-TypeGaAs-Alx Ga1-xAs Heterostructures. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. 37, p. 655, 1987.
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13.   LEITE, J. R. ; ASSALI, L. V. C. . Estrutura Eletrônica de Hidrogênio em Silício. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 59, p. 130, 1987.
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14.   LINO, A. T. ; LEITE, J. R. ; FERRAZ, A. C. ; TAKAHASHI, E. K. . Self-Consistent Formulation of the Variational Cellular Method Applied to Periodic Structures-Results for Sodium and Silicon. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, v. 48, p. 911-919, 1987.
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15.   LINO, A. T. ; TAKAHASHI, E. K. ; LEITE, J. R. ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Band Structure of Silicon by the Self-Consistent Variational Cellular Method. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. 21, p. 105-113, 1987.
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16.   OLIVEIRA, G M G ; GOMES, V M S ; CHAVES, A S ; LEITE, J. R. ; WORLOCK, J M . Behavior of the Electron-Hole Gas in Quantum Wells in GaAs-Alx Ga1-xAs Heterostructures under In-Plane Magnetic Fields. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 35, p. 2896, 1987.
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17.   PADUAN FILHO, A. ; OLIVEIRA Jr. , N. F. . Magnetic Transitions In K Indice 2 MnCL Indice 4 Vezes 2H Indice 2 O. J. MAG. MAG. MATS. , v. 66, p. 400-99999, 1987.
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18.   PADUANFILHO A. ; CARLIN, R. L. . Phase Boundary of Metamagnet (N(CH3)4)NiBr4. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, v. 145, n. B, p. 16-20, 1987.
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19.   PADUANFILHO A. ; OLIVEIRA, N. F. . Magnetic Transitions In K2MnCl4. 2H2O. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 66, p. 400-402, 1987.
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20.   RECHENBERG, H. R. ; BOGé, M. ; JEANDEY, C. ; ODDOU, J. L. ; SANCHEZ, J. P. ; TENAUD, P. . 155Gd and 161Dy Mössbauer study of R1+eFe4B4 (R=Gd, Dy) alloys. Solid State Communications, v. 64, p. 277-281, 1987.
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21.   RECHENBERG, H. R. ; SANCHEZ, J. P. . Effective magnetic fields on Fe in R1+eFe4B4 alloys. Solid State Communications, v. 62, p. 461-464, 1987.
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22.   RECHENBERG, H. R. ; SANCHEZ, J. P. ; L'HéRITIER, P. ; FRUCHART, R. . Crystal field interactions and spin reorientation in (Er1-xDyx)2Fe14B. Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 36, p. 1865-1871, 1987.
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23.   SCOLFARO, L. M. R. ; FAZZIO, A. . Theory of Interstitial Transition Atom in GaAs. Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 36, p. 7542, 1987.
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24.   SHAPIRA, Y. ; OLIVEIRA Jr. , N. F. . High-Field Magnetization Steps and the Nearest-Neighbor Exchange Constant in Cd Indice 1-X Mn Indice X S, Cd Indice 1-X Mn Indice X Te andzn Indice 1-X Mn Indice X Se. PHYS. REV. B. , v. 35, p. 6888-99999, 1987.
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25.   SRIVASTAVA, G P ; FERRAZ, A. C. . The Electronic Band Structure of (GaAs)n(AlAs)n and (GaAs)n(ZnSe)n Superlattices. Surface Science, v. 189190, p. 913-918, 1987.
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