Artigos de Periódicos 2001

1.   AGUIAR, J. A. ; LIMA, C. L. S. ; YADAVA, Y. P. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; MONTARROYOS, E. ; FERREIRA, J. M. . Structural and magnetic properties of NiS doped Bi-2212 superconductors. Physica. C, Superconductivity, EUA, v. 354, p. 363-366, 2001.
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2.   ANTONELLI, A ; JUSTO, J F ; FAZZIO, A. . Dopant Interaction with a Dislocation in Silicon: Local and Non-Local Effects. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, v. 308310, p. 470, 2001.
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3.   AS, D J ; FREY, T ; BARTELS, M. ; LISHKA, K. ; GOLDHAHN, R. ; SHOKHOVETS, S. ; TABATA, A. ; FERNANDES, J. R. L. ; LEITE, J. R. . MBE growth of cubic Al(y)Ga(1-y)N/GaN heterostructures-structural, vibrational and optical properties. Journal of Crystal Growth, v. 230, p. 421, 2001.
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4.   BAIERLE, R J ; FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Electronic and Structural Properties of Silicon Doped Carbon Nanotubes. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 64, p. 08541, 2001.
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5.   BARBOSA, K. O. ; MACHADO, W V M ; ASSALI, L. V. C. . First-Principles Studies of Ti Impurities in SiC. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, v. 308310, p. 726-729, 2001.
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6.   BARRA-BARRERA, A. D. B. ; MURAKAMI, R. K. ; PARTITI, C. S. M. ; VILLAS-BOAS, V. . Mössbauer Study of Nanocrystalline PrFeB and PrFeCrB alloys. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 226, p. 1453-1454, 2001.
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7.   BARROS DE OLIVEIRA, S. M. B. ; PARTITI, C. S. M. ; ENZWEILER, J. . Ochreous laterite: a nickel ore from Punta Gorda, Cuba. Jounal Of South American Earth Sciences, v. 14/3, p. 307-317, 2001.
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8.   BYKOV, A. A. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, J. R. ; MOSHEGOV, N. T. ; BAKAROV, A K ; TOROPOV, A. I. ; MAUDE, D. K. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Magnetoresistance in a stripe-shaped two-dimensional electron gas. Physica B, Holanda, v. 298, n. 1, p. 7982-82, 2001.
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9.   C. S. SERGIO, ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, A. A. ; OLSHANETSKII, E. B. ; BYKOV, A. A. ; MOSHEGOV, N. T. ; BAKAROV, A K ; TOROPOV, A. I. ; ESTIBALS, O. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Coexistence of a two-dimensional and three-dimesnional Landau states in a wide parabolic quantum well. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, USA, v. 64, n. 11, p. 11531-11531, 2001.
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10.   CAJACURI, R. A. ; GRATENS, X. ; ter HAAR, E. ; BINDILATTI, V. ; OLIVEIRA JR, N. F. ; SHAPIRA, Y. ; GOLACKI, Z. . Distant-Neighbors Exchange Constants in Cd1-xMnxSe from Magnetization Steps. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Amsterdam, v. 226, p. 2022-2023, 2001.
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11.   CALDAS, M. J. ; BAIERLE, R. J. ; CAPAZ, R. B. ; ARTACHO, E. . Ab initio study of atomic oxygen adsorption on the Si(111) 7x7 surface. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam, v. 308, p. 329-332, 2001.
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12.   CALDAS, M. J. ; PETTENATI, E. ; GOLDONI, G. ; MOLINARI, E. . Tailoring of Light Emission Properties of Functionalised Oligothiophenes. Applied Physics Letters, American Institute of Physics, v. 79, n. 16, p. 2505-2507, 2001.
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13.   CHOQUE, N. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, J. R. ; BYKOV, A. A. ; LITVIN, L. V. ; MOSHEGOV, N. T. ; TOROPOV, A. I. . Commensurability oscillations in wide parabolic well in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field. Physica B, Hollanda, v. 298, n. 1, p. 302-305, 2001.
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14.   COAQUIRA, J. A. H. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. . Magnetic properties of hexagonal Laves phase Zr(FexCr1-x)2 compounds. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, v. 13, p. 8415-8434, 2001.
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15.   COAQUIRA, J. A. H. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. . Spin glass behavior of Zr(FexCr1-x)2 compounds. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 226, p. 1306-1308, 2001.
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16.   COAQUIRA, J. A. H. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; MARQUINA, C. ; IBARRA, M. R. ; BENITO, A. M. ; MASER, W. ; MUNOZ, E. ; MARTINEZ, M. T. . Hyperfine and magnetic characterization of Fe particles hosted in carbon nanocapsules. Hyperfine Interactions, v. 134, p. 103-108, 2001.
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17.   Campo J. ; PALACIO, F. ; Becerra CC ; WILDES, A. . . ; REGNAULT, L. ; LORENZO, J. . Spin Waves in the 3d S=5/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet K2Fe1-xInxCl5. D2O (x=0. 0 and 0. 05). J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 226, 479-81 (2001). , v. 226, p. 479-481, 2001.
18.   DALPIAN, G M ; FAZZIO, A ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr . Adsorption of Monomers on Semiconductors and the Importance of the Surface Degrees of Freedom. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 63, p. 20530, 2001.
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19.   DALPIAN, G M ; FAZZIO, A ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr . Influence of Surface Degrees of Freedom on the Adsorption of Ge Ad-Atoms on Si(100). Computational Materials Science, v. 22, p. 19, 2001.
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20.   DALPIAN, G M ; FAZZIO, A ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr . Theoretical STM Images of Ge Monomers and Trimers on Si(100). Surface Science, v. 482485, p. 507, 2001.
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21.   DE JESUS, D. R. ; PARTITI, C. S. M. . Mössbauer study of the phase distribution of Fe78-xAlxSi9B13 powder. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 226, p. 1555-1557, 2001.
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22.   DáVILA, L. Y. A. ; CALDAS, M. J. . Theoretical Study of Protonation Effects in Polyaniline Oligomers. Synthetic Metals, Elsevier Science SA, Lausanne, v. 119, p. 241-242, 2001.
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23.   ESCOTE, Marcia T ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Structural and transport properties of NdNiO3 thin films made by RF sputtering. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 226, p. 249-251, 2001.
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24.   FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R ; BAIERLE, R J ; PAIVA, G. ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Stability Investigation and Thermal Behavior of a Hypothetical Silicon Nanotube. Journal of Molecular Structure. Theochem, v. 539, p. 101, 2001.
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25.   FAGAN, S B ; SARTOR, D. S. ; MOTA, R ; BAIERLE, R J ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Energetics and Structural Investigation of Double-Walled Carbon and Silicon Nanotubes. Mrs Proceedings, v. 633, p. A1341, 2001.
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26.   FAZZIO, A. ; BAIERLE, R J ; FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R. ; SILVA, A J R da . Ab Initio Study of Si Doped Carbon Nanotubes: Electronic and Structural Properties. Mrs Proceedings, v. 675, p. W841, 2001.
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27.   FERNANDEZ, J. R. L. ; ARAUJO, C. M. ; DA SILVA, A. F. ; LEITE, J. R. ; SERNELIUS, B. E. ; TABATA, Américo ; ABRAMOF, Eduardo ; CHITTA, V. A. ; PERSSON, C. ; AHUJA, R. ; PEPE, I. ; AS, D. J. ; FREY, T. ; SCHIKORA, D. ; LISCHKA, K. . Electrical resistivity and band-gap shift of Si-doped GaN and metal-nonmetal transition in cubic GaN, InN and AlN systems. Journal of Crystal Growth, New York, v. 231, p. 420, 2001.
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28.   FREY, T. ; AS, D. J. ; BARTELS, M. ; PAWLIS, A. ; LISCHKA, K. ; TABATA, Américo ; FERNANDEZ, J. R. L. ; SILVA, M. T. O. ; LEITE, J. R. ; HAUG, C. ; BRENN, R. . Structural and Vibrational Properties of MBE Grown Cubic (Al,Ga)N/GaN Heterostructures. Journal of Applied Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 89, p. 2631, 2001.
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29.   GOYA, G. F. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; SAGREDO, V. . Study of the spin glass transition in FeCr2xIn2-2xS4 thiospinel. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 226, p. 1298-1299, 2001.
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30.   GRATENS, X. ; BINDILATTI, V. ; ter HAAR, E. ; OLIVEIRA JR, N. F. ; SHAPIRA, Y. ; GOLACKI, Z. . Magnetization Steps in Pb1-xCexS at 20 mK. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Amsterdam, v. 226, p. 2081-2082, 2001.
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31.   GRATENS, X. ; BINDILATTI, V. ; ter HAAR, E. ; OLIVEIRA JR, N. F. ; SHAPIRA, Y. ; MONTENEGRO, F. C. . Magnetization steps in Mn0. 084Zn0. 916F2: exchange constant and Mn distribution. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 64, n. 21, p. 214424, 2001.
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32.   GRATENS, X. ; BINDILATTI, V. ; HAAR, E. t. ; OLIVEIRA Jr. , N. F. ; SHAPIRA, Y. ; GOLACKI, Z. . Magnetization Steps in Pb(1-x)Ce(x)S at 20 mK. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 226, p. 2081-2082, 2001.
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33.   GRATENS, X. ; V. BINDILATTI ; HAAR, E. ter. ; OLIVEIRA Jr. , N. F. ; SHAPIRA, Y. ; MONTENEGRO, F. C. . Magnetization steps in Mn(0,084)Zn(0,916)F(2) exchange constant and Mn distribution. Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 64, n. 21, p. 4424, 2001.
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34.   GUILHERME, E. G. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. . Synthesis and magnetic properties of Nd(Fe,M)12 (M = Mo and Ti) and their compounds nitrided by chemical reaction with sodium azide (NaN3). Key Engineering Materials, v. 189, p. 655-660, 2001.
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35.   GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, J. R. ; OLSHANETSKYI, E. B. ; MOSHEGOV, N. T. ; TOROPOV, A. I. ; MAUDE, D. K. ; CASSE, M. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Quantum Hall effect in a wide parabolic well. Physica B, Hollanda, v. 298, n. 1, p. 306-309, 2001.
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36.   HENRIQUES, A. B. . Strong luminescence from Tamm states in modulation-doped superlattices. Applied Physics Letters, Estados Unidos, v. 78, p. 691, 2001.
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37.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; OLIVEIRA, R. F. ; SOUZA, P. L. ; YAVICH, B. . Optical probing of Tamm states in doped superlattices in high magnetic fields. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, Holanda, v. 298, p. 320-323, 2001.
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38.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; SOUZA, P. L. ; YAVICH, B. . Anisotropy of the cyclotron mass in superlattices containing two populated minibands. Semiconductor Science and Technology (Print), Inglaterra, v. 16, p. 1, 2001.
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39.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; SOUZA, P. L. ; YAVICH, B. . Electronic scattering in doped finite superlattices. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 64, p. 45319, 2001.
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40.   HUSBERG, O. ; KHARTCHENKO, A. ; AS, D. J. ; VOGELSANG, H. ; FREY, T. ; SCHIKORA, D. ; LISCHKA, K. ; NORIEGA, O. C. ; TABATA, Américo ; LEITE, J. R. . Photoluminescence from quantum dots in cubic GaN/InGaN/GaN double heterostructures. Applied Physics Letters, Estados Unidos, v. 79, p. 1243, 2001.
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41.   JUSTO, J F ; ASSALI, L. V. C. . Electrically Active Centers in Partial Dislocations in Semiconductors. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, v. 308, p. 489-492, 2001.
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42.   JUSTO, J F ; ASSALI, L. V. C. . Reconstruction Defects on Partial Dislocations in Semiconductors. Applied Physics Letters, v. 79, p. 3630-3632, 2001.
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43.   JUSTO, J. F. ; ANTONELLI, A ; FAZZIO, A. . Dislocation Core Properties in Semiconductors. Solid State Communications, v. 118, p. 651, 2001.
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44.   JUSTO, J. F. ; ANTONELLI, A ; FAZZIO, A. . The Energetics of Dislocation Cores in Semiconductors and their Role on Dislocation Mobility. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, v. 302303, p. 398, 2001.
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45.   JUSTO, J. F. ; SCHMIDT, T. M. ; FAZZIO, A. ; ANTONELLI, A . Segregation of Dopant Atoms on Extended Defects in Semiconductors. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, v. 302303, p. 403, 2001.
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46.   LOURENçO, S A ; DIAS, I. F. L. ; DUARTE, J L ; LAURETO, e ; IWAMOTO, H. ; MENESES, E. A. ; LEITE, J. R. . Temperature Dependence of Excitonic Transitions in Al(x)Ga(1-x)As/GaAs Quantum Wells. Superlattices and Microstructures, Inglaterra, v. 29, p. 225, 2001.
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47.   LOURENçO, S A ; DIAS, I. F. L. ; DUARTE, J L ; LAURETO, e ; MENESES, E. A. ; LEITE, J. R. ; MAZZARO, I. . Temperature Dependence of Optical Transitions in AlGaAs. Journal of Applied Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 89, p. 6159, 2001.
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48.   LOURENçO, S A ; DIAS, I. F. L. ; LAURETO, e ; DUARTE, J L ; TOGINHO FILHO, D O ; MENESES, E. A. ; LEITE, J. R. . Influence of Al Content on Temperature Dependence of Excitonic Transitions in Quantum Wells. European Journal of Physics, Londres, v. B21, p. 11, 2001.
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49.   MACHADO, M. ; PIQUINI, P. ; MOTA, R. ; FAZZIO, A. . Electronic and Structural Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Molecular Junction. Mrs Proceedings, v. 633, p. A1433, 2001.
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50.   MARTINI, S. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; TABATA, Américo ; LEITE, J. R. . Influence of the temperature and excitation power on the optical properties of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells grown on vicinal GaAs(001) surfaces. Journal of Applied Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 90, p. 2280, 2001.
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51.   MARTINS, Alessandro ; FANTINI, M. C. A. ; SANTOS, Antonio Domingues dos . Structural and Magnetic Study of the FePt Thin Films as a Function of the Deposition Temperature. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), v. 187, p. 189, 2001.
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52.   MIOTTO, R ; SRIVASTAVA, G P ; FERRAZ, A. C. . First-Principles Calculations of the Adsorption and Dissociation of PH3 on Si(001)-(2x1). Surface Science, v. 482, p. 160-165, 2001.
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53.   MIOTTO, R ; SRIVASTAVA, G P ; FERRAZ, A. C. . PH3 Dissociative Adsorption on Si(001). Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 63, p. 125321, 2001.
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54.   MIOTTO, R ; SRIVASTAVA, G P ; MIWA, R H ; FERRAZ, A. C. . A Comparative Study of Dissociative Adsorption of NH3, PH3 and AsH3 on Si(001)-(2x1). Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 114, p. 9549-9556, 2001.
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55.   MUNE, P ; GOUVEAALCAIDE, E. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Magnetic hysteresis of the critical current density of polycrystalline (Bi-Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconductors: a fingerprint of the intragranular and intergranular flux trapping. Physica. C, Superconductivity, EUA, v. 354, p. 275-278, 2001.
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56.   NOGUEIRA, R. N. ; PETRILLI, H. M. . Local Magnetic Properties of Co Grains in Bulk Ag and Cu: A First-Principles Study. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 63, p. 012405-1-012405-4, 2001.
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57.   ORELLANA, W ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . O2 Diffusion in SiO2: Triplet versus Singlet. Physical Review Letters, v. 87, p. 15590, 2001.
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58.   ORELLANA, W. ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Ab Initio Study of Substitutional Nitrogen in GaAs. Applied Physics Letters, v. 78, p. 1231-1233, 2001.
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59.   PADUANFILHO A. ; BECERRA, C. C. ; PALACIO, F. ; CARVALHO, Z. V. ; WESTPHAL, C. H. . Low field remanent magnetization in the disordered antiferromagnet Cs2Fe(1-x)InxCl5. H2O. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Holanda, v. 226, p. 610-611, 2001.
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60.   PADUANFILHO A. ; BECERRA, C. C. ; PALACIO, F. ; WESTPHALL, C. H. . Magnetic properties of the 1D Heisenberg linear chain antiferromagnet CsMnA3. 2H2O (A=Cl,Br) diluted with Cu. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Holanda, v. 226, p. 615-617, 2001.
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61.   PAZ, O. ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; SáENZ, J. J. ; ARTACHO, E. . Electron Correlation in the Si(100) Surface. Surface Science, v. 482485, p. 458, 2001.
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62.   PENDL JR. , W. ; COAQUIRA, J. A. H. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; SKOLOZDRA, R. V. . Magnetic properties and hyperfine field at Sn site in GdCo3Sn. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 226, p. 1142-1144, 2001.
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63.   PUSEP, Y. A. ; SOKOLOV, S. S. ; FORTUNATO, W. ; GALZERANI, J. C. ; LEITE, J. R. . Raman probing of the wave function of collective excitations in the presence of disorder. Physica B, Amsterdã, v. 308-31, p. 772, 2001.
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64.   RAMOS, Luis Eugenio ; TELES, Lara Kühl ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; CASTINEIRA, J. L. P. ; ROSA, A. L. ; LEITE, José Roberto . Structural, electronic, and effective-mass properties of silicon and zinc-blende group-III nitride semiconductor compounds. Physical Review B - Solid State, Lancaster, v. 63, p. 16521, 2001.
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65.   RECHENBERG, H. R. ; COAQUIRA, J. A. H. ; MARQUINA, C. ; GARCIA-LANDA, B. ; IBARRA, M. R. ; BENITO, A. M. ; MASER, W. ; MUNOZ, E. ; MARTINEZ, M. T. . Mössbauer and magnetic characterization of carbon-coated small iron particles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 226, p. 1930-1932, 2001.
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66.   RODRIGUES, Sara Cristina Pinto ; SIPAHI, Guilherme Matos ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. . Valence-band structure of undoped and p-doped cubic GaN/InGaN multiple quantum wells. Physica B, v. 302, p. 106, 2001.
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67.   RODRIGUES, Sara Cristina Pinto ; SIPAHI, Guilherme Matos ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, José Roberto . Exchange-correlation effects on the hole miniband structure and confinement potential in zinc blende Al(x)Ga(1-x)N/GaN superlattices. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, USA, v. 13, p. 3381, 2001.
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68.   RUINI, A. ; ROSSI, F. ; HOHENESTER, U. ; MOLINARI, E. ; CAPAZ, R. B. ; CALDAS, M. J. . Ab-Initio Study of Coulomb-Correlated Optical Properties in Conjugated Polymers. Synthetic Metals, v. 119, p. 257-258, 2001.
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69.   SALES, F. V. ; SILVA, S W da ; MONTE, A F G ; SOLER, M. A. G. ; CRUZ, J M R ; DA SILVA, M. J. ; QUIVY, A A ; LEITE, J. R. ; MORAIS, P. C. . Excitation transfer through quantum dots measured by microluminescence: dependence on the quantum dot density. Physica Status Solidi A, v. 187, p. 45, 2001.
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70.   SANDIM, M. J. R. ; SUZUKI, P. A. ; LACERDA, A. H. ; TORIKACHVILI, M. S. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Magnetoresistance at high magnetic fields in superconducting granular Sm1. 83Ce0. 17CuO4-y compounds. Physica. C, Superconductivity, EUA, v. 354, p. 279-283, 2001.
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71.   SCHMIDT, T. M. ; JUSTO, J. F. ; FAZZIO, A. . Stacking Fault Effects in Pure and N-Type Doped GaAs. Applied Physics Letters, v. 78, p. 907, 2001.
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72.   SCHMIDT, T. M. ; MIWA, R H ; FAZZIO, A. ; MOTA, R. . Ab Initio Calculations on the Compensation Mechanisms in InP. Solid State Communications, v. 117, p. 353, 2001.
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73.   SILVA, C R S da ; FAZZIO, A. . Formation and Structural Properties of the Amorphous-Crystal Interface in a Nanocrystalline System. Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 64, p. 75301, 2001.
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74.   SILVA, C. ; VENEZUELA, P ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Theoretical Investigation of the Pressure Induced Cubic-Diamond-Beta-Sn Phase Transition in the Si0. 5Ge0. 5. Solid State Communications, v. 120, p. 369, 2001.
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75.   SILVA, e Z da ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . How do Gold Nanowires Break?. Physical Review Letters, v. 87, p. 25610, 2001.
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76.   SOUCHE, Y. ; TUFAILE, A. P. B. ; SANTI, C. E. ; NOVOSAD, V. ; SANTOS, Antonio Domingues dos . Figure of Merit for Transverse Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 226, p. 1717, 2001.
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77.   SOUZA, J A ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; MUCCILLO, R. ; MUCCILLO, E. N. S. ; TORIKACHVILI, M. S. ; NEUMEIER, J J . Impedance spectroscopy evidence of the phase separation in La0. 4Pr0. 3Ca0. 3MnO3 manganite. Journal of Applied Physics, EUA, v. 89, p. 6636-6638, 2001.
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78.   TELES, Lara Kühl ; FURTHMÜLLER, J. ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, José Roberto ; BECHSTEDT, F. . Influence of composition fluctuations and strain on gap bowing in In(x)Ga(1-x)N. Physical Review B - Solid State, Lancaster, v. 63, p. 85204, 2001.
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79.   TORIKACHVILI, M. S. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; CHANG, S. ; MUCCILLO, R. ; NAKOTE, H. ; LACERDA, A. H. . Magnetoresistance measurements in UCu4+xAl8-x compounds. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 226, p. 42-44, 2001.
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80.   TRIBUZY, C. V. B. ; BUTENDEICH, R. ; PAMPLONA-PIRES, M. ; SOUZA, P. L. ; HENRIQUES, A. B. . Carbon delta-doped AlGaAs for amplitude modulation. Journal of Applied Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 90, p. 1660-1662, 2001.
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