Artigos de Periódicos 2012


Alonso, L ; Cornejo, D R ; NAGAMINE, L. C. C. M.. Magnetization and Magnetoresistance First-Order-Reversal-Curves Analysis in Spin Valves.Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (Online). v. 26, p. 1397-1400, 2012. 
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Aragón, Fermin H. ; Coaquira, Jose Antonio H. ; Cohen, Renato ; Nagamine, Luiz C. C. M. ; Hidalgo, Pilar ; Brito, S. L. M. ; Gouvêa, D.. Structural and hyperfine properties of Ni-doped SnO2 nanoparticlesHyperfine Interactions. v. 211, p. 77-82, 2012. 
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Armas, L.E.G. ; Landi, G.T. ; Huila, M.F.G. ; Champi, A. ; POJAR, M. ; SEABRA, A.c. ; Santos, A.D. ; Araki, K. ; Toma, H.E.. Graphene modification with gold nanoparticles using the gas aggregation techniqueDiamond and Related Materials. v. 23, p. 18-22, 2012. 
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Behar, M. ; Fadanelli, R.C. ; Nagamine, L.C.C.M. ; Cantero, E. D. ; LANTSCHNER, G. H. ; Eckardt, J.C. ; Arista, Néstor R. ; Garcia-Molina, R. ; I. Abril. Electronic stopping cross sections for protons in Al2O3: an experimental and theoretical study.The European Physical Journal. D, Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics (Online). v. 66, p. 247, 2012. 
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BORGES, P. D. ; Borges, Pablo D. ; SCOLFARO, LUISA M.R. ; Leite Alves, Horácio W. ; DA SILVA, ERONIDES F. ; ASSALI, L. V. C.. Theoretical study of the influence of vacancies in the magnetic stability of V-, Cr-, and Mn-doped SnO2Applied Surface Science. v. xxx, p. xxx, 2012. 
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Borges, Pablo D ; SCOLFARO, LUISA M R ; ALVES, HORACIO W ; da Silva, Eronides F ; ASSALI, LUCY V C. Study of the oxygen vacancy influence on magnetic properties of Fe- and Co-doped SnO2 diluted alloysNanoscale Research Letters (Online). v. 7, p. 540, 2012. 
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Bortolozo, A. D. ; dos Santos, C. A. M. ; Jardim, R. F. ; Ritter, C. ; Devishvili, A. ; Rotter, M. ; GANDRA, F. G. ; MACHADO, A. J. S.. Interstitial doping induced superconductivity at 15.3 K in Nb5Ge3 compoundJournal of Applied Physics. v. 111, p. 123912, 2012. 
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C. FILHO, PEDRO LINHARES ; BARROZO, PETRUCIO ; LANDINEZ-TELLEZ, D. A. ; Jardim, R. F. ; AZEVEDO, W. M. ; ALBINO AGUIAR, J.. Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ln2CoMnO6(Ln=Dy and La) Produced by Combustion SynthesisJournal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. v. xx, p. xx-xx, 2012.
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Cantero, E.D. ; Fadanelli, R.C. ; Behar, M. ; Nagamine, L.C.C.M. ; Lantschner, G.H. ; Eckardt, J.C.. Experimental Study of the He stopping power into Al2O3 films.Nuclear Instruments Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (Print). v. 287, p. 1-3, 2012. 
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Caroena, G. ; JUSTO, J. F. ; MACHADO, W. V. M. ; Assali, L.V.C.. Rare-earth impurities in gallium nitride: The role of the Hubbard potentialDiamond and Related Materials. v. 27-28, p. 64, 2012. 
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Cocchi, Caterina ; Prezzi, Deborah ; Ruini, Alice ; Benassi, Enrico ; Caldas, Marília J. ; Corni, Stefano ; Molinari, Elisa. Optical Excitations and Field Enhancement in Short Graphene NanoribbonsJ PHYS CHEM LETT. v. 3, p. 924-929, 2012. 
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Cocchi, Caterina ; Prezzi, Deborah ; Ruini, Alice ; Caldas, Marilia J. ; Molinari, Elisa.Electronics and Optics of Graphene Nanoflakes: Edge Functionalization and Structural DistortionsJournal of Physical Chemistry. C. (Online). v. 116, p. 17328-17335, 2012. 
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Costa, Natália J. S. ; Jardim, Renato F. ; Masunaga, Sueli H. ; Zanchet, Daniela ; Landers, Richard ; Rossi, Liane M.. Direct Access to Oxidation-Resistant Nickel Catalysts through an Organometallic PrecursorACS CATAL. v. 2, p. 925-929, 2012. 
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Cunha, Vanessa R. R. ; Petersen, Philippe A. D. ; Gonà alves, Marcos B. ; Petrilli, Helena M. ; Taviot-Gueho, Christine ; Leroux, Fabrice ; Temperini, Marcia L. A. ; Constantino, Vera R. L.. Structural, Spectroscopic (NMR, IR, and Raman), and DFT Investigation of the Self-Assembled Nanostructure of Pravastatin-LDH (Layered Double Hydroxides) SystemsChemistry of Materials. v. 24, p. 1415-1425, 2012. 
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DARRIBA, G. N. ; RENTERIA, M. ; ASSALI, L. V. C. ; PETRILLI, H. M.. Site localization of Cd impurities in sapphirePhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 86, p. 075203, 2012. 
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DE GODOY, M.P.F. ; MESQUITA, A. ; AVANSI, W. ; NEVES, P.P. ; CHITTA, V.A. ; FERRAZ, W.B. ; BOSELLI, M.A. ; SABIONI, A.C.S. ; CARVALHO, H.B.. Evidence of defect-mediated magnetic coupling on hydrogenated Co-doped ZnOJournal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 555, p. 315, 2012. 
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Diniz, Verônica C.S. ; Vieira, Débora A. ; KIMINAMI, RUTH HERTA GOLDSMITH ALIAGA ; Cornejo, Daniel ; DE MELO COSTA, ANA CRISTINA FIGUEIREDO.Microstructural and Magnetic Analysis Ni-Zn Ferrite Sinterized in the Conventional and Microwave OvenMaterials Science Forum (Online). v. 727-728, p. 971-976, 2012. 
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Diniz, Verônica C.S. ; Vieira, Débora A. ; KIMINAMI, RUTH HERTA GOLDSMITH ALIAGA ; Cornejo, Daniel ; DE MELO COSTA, ANA CRISTINA FIGUEIREDO.Sintering of Ni-Zn Ferrite by Microwave EnergyMaterials Science Forum (Online). v. 727-728, p. 977-981, 2012. 
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FELICIANO, GUSTAVO T. ; DA SILVA, ANTONIO J. R. ; REGUERA, GEMMA ; ARTACHO, EMILIO. Molecular and Electronic Structure of the Peptide Subunit of Conductive Pili from First PrinciplesThe Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. v. 116, p. 8023-8030, 2012. 
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FERNÁNDEZ, J. R. L. ; Chitta, V A ; GRATENS, X. ; KRAMBROCK, K. ; SOUZA-PARISE, M. ; FREIRE, V. N. ; MORAIS, P. C.. Structural and magnetic characterization of colloidal CdMnSRevista Mexicana de Física. v. 58, p. 73, 2012.
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Garcia, J. C. ; ASSALI, L. V. C. ; JUSTO, J. F.. The Structural and Electronic Properties of Tin Oxide Nanowires: An Ab Initio InvestigationJournal of physical chemistry. C. v. 116, p. 120612123136002, 2012. 
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Govea-Alcaide, E. ; MACHADO, I. F. ; BERTOLETE-CARNEIRO, M. ; MUNE, P. ; Jardim, R. F.. Consolidation of Bi-2223 superconducting powders by spark plasma sinteringJournal of Applied Physics. v. 112, p. 113906, 2012. 
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Govea-Alcaide, E. ; MUNÉ, P. ; Jardim, R. F.. Flux-Line-Lattice Melting and Upper Critical Field of Bi1.65Pb0.35Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+ Ceramic SamplesJournal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. v. 25, p. 779-784, 2012. 
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HENRIQUES, A. B. ; SCHWAN, A. ; VARWIG, S. ; MAIA, A. D. B. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; YAKOVLEV, D. R. ; BAYER, M.. Spin coherence generation in negatively charged self-assembled (In,Ga)As quantum dots by pumping excited trion statesPhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 86, p. 115333, 2012. 
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IGARASHI, R. N. ; KLAUTAU, A. B. ; Muniz, R. B. ; Sanyal, B. ; Petrilli, H. M.. First-principles studies of complex magnetism in Mn nanostructures on the Fe(001) surfacePhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 85, p. 014436-014436-8, 2012. 
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IWAN, A. ; GUIMARAES, J. R. ; dos SANTOS, M. C. ; SCHAB-BALCERZAK, E. ; KROMPIEC, M. ; PALEWICZ, M. ; SIKORA, A.. Polyazomethine with vinylene and phenantridine moieties in the main chain: Synthesis, characterization, opto(electrical) properties and theoretical calculationsHigh Performance Polymers (Print). v. 24, p. 319-330, 2012. 
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KEIZER, J. G. ; HENRIQUES, A. B. ; MAIA, A. D. B. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; KOENRAAD, P. M..Atomically resolved study of the morphology change of InAs\AlGaAs quantum dot layers induced by rapid thermal annealingApplied Physics Letters. v. 101, p. 243113, 2012. 
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LAFRENTZ, M. ; Brunne, D. ; KAMINSKI, B. ; PAVLOV, V. V. ; PISAREV, R. V. ; HENRIQUES, A. B. ; YAKOVLEV, D. R. ; SPRINGHOLZ, G. ; BAUER, G. ; BAYER, M..Optical third harmonic generation in the magnetic semiconductor EuSe.Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 85, p. 035206, 2012. 
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Landi, G. T. ; Santos, A. D.. Longitudinal dynamic hysteresis in single-domain particlesJournal of Applied Physics. v. 111, p. 07D121, 2012. 
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Lopes, E.M. ; Duarte, J.L. ; Dias, I.F.L. ; LAURETO, E. ; GUIMARÃES, P.S.S. ; SUBTIL, A.G.S. ; Quivy, A.A.. Magnetophotoluminescence study of GaAs/AlGaAs coupled double quantum wells with bimodal heterointerface roughnessJournal of Luminescence. v. 132, p. 1183-1187, 2012. 
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Maia, A D B ; Maia, A D B ; DA SILVA, Euzi Conceição Fernandes ; QUIVY, A. A. (também QUIVY, A. antes de 1996) ; Quivy, A A ; Bindilatti, V ; de Aquino, V M ; Dias, I F L ; Bindilatti, V ; Dias, I F L ; da Silva, E C F ; Quivy, A A ; de Aquino, V M. The influence of different indium-composition profiles on the electronic structure of lens-shaped In Ga As quantum dotsJournal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 45, p. 225104, 2012. 
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MIOTTO, R ; KISS, F D ; Ferraz, A C. Changes in a nanoparticle s spectroscopic signal mediated by the local environmentNanotechnology (Bristol. Online). v. 23, p. 485202, 2012. 
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MIOTTO, R. ; Ferraz, A. C.. Sulfur Radicals as Tethers for the Adsorption of Aromatic Molecules on Silicon SurfaceJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. v. 9, p. 541-548, 2012. 
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MIWA, R. H. ; SCHMIDT, T. M. ; FAZZIO, A.. Tuning Low-Spin to High-Spin Mn Pairs in 2-D ZnO by Injecting HolesIEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. v. 11, p. 71-76, 2012. 
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MUKHOPADHYAY, S. ; KLANJEK, M. ; GRBI, M. ; BLINDER, R. ; MAYAFFRE, H. ; BERTHIER, C. ; HORVATI, M. ; CONTINENTINO, M. ; PADUAN-FILHO, A. ; CHIARI, B. ; PIOVESANA, O.. Quantum-Critical Spin Dynamics in Quasi-One-Dimensional AntiferromagnetsPhysical Review Letters. v. 109, p. 177206, 2012. 
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PADILHA, J. E. ; PONTES, R. B. ; FAZZIO, A.. Bilayer Graphene on h-BN Substrate: Investigating the Breakdown Voltage and Tuning the Bandgap by Electric FieldJournal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 24, p. 075301, 2012.
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Paduan-Filho, Armando. Bose Einstein Condensation of Magnons in NiCl 2 -4SC (NH 2 ) 2Brazilian Journal of Physics (Impresso). v. 42, p. 292-305, 2012. 
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Peres, M. L. ; Rubinger, R. M. ; Ribeiro, L. H. ; L. Rubinger, C. P. ; Ribeiro, G. M. ; CHITTA, V. A. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. ; Abramof, E.. Conduction mechanisms in p-type Pb1 xEuxTe alloys in the insulator regimeJournal of Applied Physics. v. 111, p. 123708, 2012. 
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Psaroudaki, C. ; Zvyagin, S. A. ; Krzystek, J. ; Paduan-Filho, A. ; Zotos, X. ; Papanicolaou, N.. Magnetic excitations in the spin-1 anisotropic antiferromagnet NiCl_{2}-4SC(NH_{2})_{2}Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 85, p. 014412, 2012. 
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Périgo, E A ; Silva, S C ; de Sousa, E M B ; Freitas, A A ; Cohen, R ; Nagamine, L C C M ; Takiishi, H ; Landgraf, F J G. Properties of nanoparticles prepared from NdFeB-based compound for magnetic hyperthermia application.Nanotechnology (Bristol. Print). v. 23, p. 175704-175713, 2012. 
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Santos, P.T.A. ; Cornejo, Daniel ; Santos, P.T.A. ; LIRA, HÉLIO LUCENA ; DE MELO COSTA, ANA CRISTINA FIGUEIREDO. Magnetic Evaluation of Ni-Zn Ferrites Doped with AluminiumMaterials Science Forum (Online). v. 727-728, p. 528-532, 2012. 
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SANTOS, R.L.P. ; TAVARES, M.M. ; Cornejo, Daniel ; KIMINAMI, RUTH HERTA GOLDSMITH ALIAGA ; DE MELO COSTA, ANA CRISTINA FIGUEIREDO.Comparative Analysis of Sintering Mn0.65Zn0.35Fe2O4 Ferrite by Microwave Energy and N2 AtmosphereMaterials Science Forum (Online). v. 727-728, p. 1272-1277, 2012. 
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SARAIVA-SOUZA, A. ; SOUZA, F. M. ; BALDISSERA, G. ; SILVA, W. E. ; ROMAN, L. S. ; MENDES FILHO, J. ; DEL NERO, J. ; Fazzio, A. ; SOUZA FILHO, A. G.. Light emission and current rectification in a molecular device: Experiment and theoryJournal of Applied Physics. v. 112, p. 113108, 2012. 
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SEBER, GONCA ; Mague, Joel T. ; GRATENS, XAVIER ; Oliveira, Nei Fernandes ; BINDILATTI, V. ; YOSHIOKA, NAOKI ; FREITAS, RAFAEL S. ; Lahti, Paul M. ; Paduan-Filho, Armando ; PADUANFILHO A.. Magnetic Tuning of All-Organic Binary Alloys between Two Stable RadicalsJournal of the American Chemical Society (Print). v. 134, p. 3825-3833, 2012. 
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Sodré, Ney ; Garcia, Joelson Cott ; Assali, Lucy Vitoria Credidio ; Gonzales-Ormeño, Pablo Guillermo ; Blaha, Peter ; Petrilli, Helena Maria ; Schön, Cláudio Geraldo.Intrinsic uncertainty on ab initio phase diagram and compound formation energy calculations: BCC Mo-Fe as a test casePhysica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research. v. 250, p. 77-85, 2012. 
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SOUZA, A. M. ; Fazzio, A. ; DA SILVA, A. J. R. ; ROCHA, A. R.. Ab-initio calculations for a realistic sensor: A study of CO sensors based on nitrogen-rich carbon nanotubesAIP Advances. v. 2, p. 032115-032115-8, 2012. 
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Tabata, A. ; OLIVEIRA, J.B.B. ; PINT'O, C.A.F. ; SILVA, E.C.F. DA ; LAMAS, T.E. ; DUARTE, C.A. ; GUSEV, G.M.. Indirect optical transitions from carriers trapped on the delta doping and on the parabolic quantum wellPhysics Procedia. v. 28, p. 53-56, 2012. 
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Vieira, Débora A. ; DINIZ, VERÔNICA CRISTHINA S. ; KIMINAMI, RUTH HERTA GOLDSMITH ALIAGA ; Cornejo, D.R. ; DE MELO COSTA, ANA CRISTINA FIGUEIREDO. Ferrite Ni0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4 Synthesized by Combustion Reaction in a Microwave Oven Using Urea and Glycine as Fuel: Influence of Power.Materials Science Forum (Online). v. 727-728, p. 1217-1221, 2012. 
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Weickert, Franziska ; Küchler, Robert ; Steppke, Alexander ; Pedrero, Luis ; Nicklas, Michael ; Brando, Manuel ; Steglich, Frank ; Jaime, Marcelo ; Zapf, Vivien ; Paduan-Filho, Armando ; Al-Hassanieh, Khaled ; Batista, Cristian ; Sengupta, Pinaki. Low-temperature thermodynamic properties near the field-induced quantum critical point in NiCl_{2}-4SC(NH_{2})_{2}Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 85, p. 184408, 2012. 
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Yu, Rong ; MICLEA, CORNELIU ; Weickert, Franziska ; Movshovich, Roman ; Paduan-Filho, Armando ; Zapf, Vivien ; Roscilde, Tommaso. Quantum critical scaling at a Bose-glass/superfluid transition: Theory and experiment for a model quantum magnetPhysical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 86, p. 134421, 2012. 
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Yu, Rong ; Yin, Liang ; Sullivan, Neil S. ; Xia, J. S. ; Huan, Chao ; Paduan-Filho, Armando ; Oliveira Jr, Nei F. ; Haas, Stephan ; Steppke, Alexander ; Miclea, Corneliu F. ; Weickert, Franziska ; Movshovich, Roman ; Mun, Eun-Deok ; Scott, Brian L. ; Zapf, Vivien S. ; Roscilde, Tommaso. Bose glass and Mott glass of quasiparticles in a doped quantum magnetNature (London). v. 489, p. 379-384, 2012. 
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52.   Unconventional Hall effect near charge neutrality point in a two-dimensional electron-hole system.  Raichev, OE (Raichev, O. E.)[ 1 ] ; Gusev, GM (Gusev, G. M.)[ 2 ] ; Olshanetsky, EB (Olshanetsky, E. B.)[ 3 ] ; Kvon, ZD (Kvon, Z. D.)[ 3 ] ; Mikhailov, NN (Mikhailov, N. N.)[ 3 ] ; Dvoretsky, SA (Dvoretsky, S. A.)[ 3 ] ; Portal, JC (Portal, J. C.)[ 4,5,6 ];PHYSICAL REVIEW B  Volume: 86   Edição: 15     Número do artigo: 155320   DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.155320   Publicado: OCT 26 2012

53.   Two-dimensional semimetal-insulator transition in HgTe-based quantum wells induced by a longitudinal magnetic fieldOlshanetsky, EB (Olshanetsky, E. B.)[ 1 ] Kvon, ZD (Kvon, Z. D.)[ 1,2 ] Gusev, GM (Gusev, G. M.)[ 3 ] Mikhailov, NN (Mikhailov, N. N.)[ 1 ] Dvoretsky, SA(Dvoretsky, S. A.)[ 1 ] ;JETP LETTERS  Volume: 96   Edição: 4   Páginas: 251-254   DOI: 10.1134/S0021364012160072   Publicado: OCT 2012

54.   Quantum oscillations of spin polarization in a GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum well. dos Santos, LF (Fernandes dos Santos, L.)[ 1 ] Pusep, YA (Pusep, Yu. A.)[ 1 ] Villegas-Lelovsky, L (Villegas-Lelovsky, L.)[ 2,3 ] Lopez-Richard, V (Lopez-Richard, V.)[ 2 ] Marques, GE (Marques, G. E.)[ 2 ] Gusev, GM (Gusev, G. M.)[ 4 ] Smirnov, D (Smirnov, D.)[ 5 ] Bakarov, AK (Bakarov, A. K.)[ 6 ] ; PHYSICAL REVIEW B  Volume: 86   Edição: 12     Número do artigo: 125415   DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.125415   Publicado: SEP 10 2012

55.   Classical magnetoresistance of a ballistic electron gas constrained to non-planar topographies in a lattice of antidots under tilted magnetic field. Sotomayor, NM (Sotomayor, N. M.); Cabral, LA (Cabral, L. A.); Davila, LYA (Davila, L. Y. A.); Gusev, GM (Gusev, G. M.)[ 1 ] ; PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES  Volume: 45   Páginas: 135-145   DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2012.07.018   Publicado: AUG 2012

56.   Circularly Polarized Photoluminescence as a Probe of Density of States in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Hall Bilayers. Pusep, YA (Pusep, Yu A.)[ 1 ] dos Santos, LF (Fernandes dos Santos, L.)[ 1 ] Gusev, GM (Gusev, G. M.)[ 2 ] Smirnov, D (Smirnov, D.)[ 3 ] Bakarov, AK(Bakarov, A. K.)[ 4 ]  ; PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 109   Edição: 4     Número do artigo: 046802   DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.046802   Publicado: JUL 26 2012


57.   Nonlocal Transport Near Charge Neutrality Point in a Two-Dimensional Electron-Hole System. Gusev, GM (Gusev, G. M.)[ 1 ] Olshanetsky, EB (Olshanetsky, E. B.)[ 2 ] Kvon, ZD (Kvon, Z. D.)[ 2 ] Levin, AD (Levin, A. D.)1 ] Mikhailov, NN (Mikhailov, N. N.)[ 2 ] Dvoretsky, SA (Dvoretsky, S. A.)[ 2 ] ; PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 108   Edição: 22     Número do artigo: 226804   DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.226804   Publicado: MAY 31 2012

58.   Indirect optical transitions from carriers trapped on the delta doping and on the parabolic quantum well. Tabata, A (Tabata, A.)[ 1 ] Oliveira, JBB (Oliveira, J. B. B.)[ 1 ] Pintao, CAF (Pintao, C. A. F.)[ 1 ] da Silva, ECF (da Silva, E. C. F.); Lamas, TE (Lamas, T. E.);Duarte, CA (Duarte, C. A.); Gusev, GM (Gusev, G. M.) ; Editor(es): Anjos, VCFerreira, SOAlves, HWL ; 15TH BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS  Série de livros: Physics Procedia   Volume: 28   Páginas: 53-56   DOI:10.1016/j.phpro.2012.03.670   Publicado: 2012

59.   Magnetic field induced charge redistribution in artificially disordered quantum Hall superlatticesdos Santos, LF (Fernandes dos Santos, L.)[ 1 ] Pusep, YA (Pusep, Yu. A.)[ 1 ] Gusev, GM (Gusev, G. M.)[ 2 ] Bakarov, AK (Bakarov, A. K.)[ 3 ] Toropov, AI(Toropov, A. I.)[ 3 ] ; EPL  Volume: 97   Edição: 1     Número do artigo: 17010   DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/97/17010   Publicado: JAN 2012

60.   Quantum motion in superposition of Aharonov-Bohm with some additional electromagnetic fieldsBagrov, VG (Bagrov, V. G.)1,3,2 Gitman, DM (Gitman, D. M.)2 Levin, AD (Levin, A. D.)2 ] ; JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS  Volume: 53   Edição: 5     Número do artigo: 052304   DOI: 10.1063/1.4714352   Publicado: MAY 2012

61.   Coherent states and related quantizations for unbounded motionsBagrov, VG (Bagrov, V. G.)1,2 Gazeau, JP (Gazeau, J-P)3 Gitman, DM (Gitman, D. M.)2 Levin, AD (Levin, A. D.)2 ] ; JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL  Volume: 45   Edição: 12     Número do artigo: 125306   DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/45/12/125306   Publicado: MAR 30 2012

62.   Quantum deformation of the angular distributions of synchrotron radiation. Emission from particles in the first excited state): Bagrov, VG (Bagrov, V. G.)1,2,3 Burimova, AN (Burimova, A. N.)1,3 Gitman, DM (Gitman, D. M.)3 Levin, AD (Levin, A. D.)3 ] ; EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C  Volume: 72   Edição: 2     Número do artigo: 1871   DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-012-1871-y   Publicado: FEB 2012