Artigos de Periódicos 2005

1.   AGUIAR, O D ; ANDRADE, L A ; BARROSO, J J ; BORTOLI, F ; CARNEIRO, L A ; CASTRO, P J ; COSTA, C A ; COSTA, K M F ; ARAUJO, J C N ; LUCENA, A U ; PAULA, W ; REY NETO, e C ; SOUZA, S T ; FAUTH, A C ; FRAJUCA, C ; FROSSATI, G. ; FURTADO, S R ; MAGALHãES, N S ; MARINHO JR, R M ; MATOS, e S ; MELO, J L ; MIRANDA, O D ; OLIVEIRA Jr. , N. F. ; PALEO, B W ; REMY, M A ; RIBEIRO, K L ; STELLATI, C . The Brazilian gravitational wave detector Mario Schenberg: progress and plans. Classical and Quantum Gravity, v. 22, p. 209-214, 2005.
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2.   ASSALI, L. V. C. ; LARICO, R ; MACHADO, W V M ; JUSTO, J. f. . Nickel-vacancy complexes in diamond: an ab initio investigation. Materials Science Forum, Suiça, v. 483, p. 1043, 2005.
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3.   ASSALI, L. V. C. ; MACHADO, W V M ; JUSTO, J F . Manganese impurity in boron nitride and gallium nitride. Materials Science Forum, Suiça, v. 483485, p. 1047, 2005.
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4.   BASKETT, M. ; LAHTI, P. M. ; PADUANFILHO A. ; OLIVEIRA, N. F. . Cyclic M2(RL)2 Coordination Complexes of 5-(3-[N-tert-Butyl-N-aminoxyl]phenyl)pyrimidine with Paramagnetic Transition Metal Dications. . Inorganic Chemistry, EUA, v. 44, n. 19, p. 6725-6735, 2005.
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5.   BINDILATTI, V. ; SHAPIRA, Y. . Magnetization steps and relevant cluster statistics for a diluted Heisenberg layer: Nearest-neighbor cluster model on the square lattice. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 72, n. 6, p. 064414, 2005.
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6.   CALDWELL, J. D. ; BOWERS, C. R. ; GUSEV, G. M. . Electron spin resonance in a wide parabolic quantum well. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, p. 115339, v. 72, 2005.
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7.   CAMPOS, M. F. ; NEIVA, A. C. ; ROMERO, S. A. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; MISSELL, F. P. . Impurity phases in Sm(CoFeCuZr)z magnets: The role of Zr. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 403, p. 329-334, 2005.
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8.   CHITTA, V. A. ; DESRAT, Wilfried ; MAUDE, Duncan K ; PIOT, Benjamin A ; OLIVEIRA JR, Nei Fernandes de ; RAPPL, Paulo Henrique de Oliveira ; UETA, Antonio Yukio ; ABRAMOF, Eduardo . Multivalley transport and the integer quantum Hall effect in a PbTe quantum well. . Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 72, n. 195326, p. 195326, 2005.
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9.   CHO, H I ; GUSEV, G. M. ; KVON, Z. D. ; RENARD, V. ; LEE, J H ; PORTAL, J. C. . Negative quasiclassical magnetoresistance in a high density two-dimensional electron gas in a AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, p. 245323, v. 71, 2005.
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10.   CORNEJO, D. R. ; PADRON HERNáNDEZ, E. ; AZEVEDO, A. ; REZENDE, S. M. . Exchange-bias phenomena and modeling in nanocrystalline powders of MnO/FeCo and NiO/Fe. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 97, n. 1, p. 103-1-103-3, 2005.
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11.   CUCINOTTA, C ; RUINI, A ; CATELLANI, A. ; CALDAS, M. J. . Tailoring the electronic properties of silicon with cysteine: A first-principles study. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 72, p. 245310-1-245310-6, 2005.
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12.   DASILVA, M ; QUIVY, A ; MARTINI, S ; LAMAS, T ; DASILVA, E ; LEITE, J ; da Silva, E C F . Large InAs/GaAs quantum dots with an optical response in the long-wavelength region. Journal of Crystal Growth, v. 278, n. (1-4), p. 103-107, 2005.
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13.   DUARTE, C A ; GUSEV, G. M. ; QUIVY, A A ; LAMAS, T. E. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Eletric Field Controlled g-factor in parabolic well determined by transport measurements. Physica E, 2005.
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14.   FERRETTI, A ; CALZOLARI, A ; DI FELICE, R. ; MANGHI, F. ; CALDAS, M. J. ; NARDELLI, M Buongiorno ; MOLINARI, E. . First principle theory of correlated transport through Nanojunctions. Physical Review Letters, Estados Unidos, v. 94, p. 11680, 2005.
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15.   FONSECA, F C ; FERLAUTO, A S ; ALVAREZ, F ; GOYA, G F ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Morphological and magnetic properties of carbon-nickel nanocomposite thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 97, p. 044313-1-044313-7, 2005.
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16.   GIRO, R. ; CALDAS, M. J. ; GALVãO, Douglas Soares . Band Gap Engineering for Poly(p-phenylene) and Poly(p-phenylene vinylene) Copolymers Using the Tight-Binding Approach. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Estados Unidos, v. 103, n. 05, p. 588-596, 2005.
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17.   GOUVEIA, Paulo Sergio ; ESCOTE, Marcia T ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, Edson R ; CARRENO, Neftali L V ; FONSECA, Fabio C ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos Ni:SiO2 processados na forma de filmes finos. Química Nova, v. 28, p. 842-846, 2005.
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18.   GOVEAALCAIDE, E ; HERNANDEZWOLPEZ, M ; BAPTISTALEYVA, A J ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; MUNE, P . Inhomogeneous distribution of the intergranular pinning energy in polycrystalline Bi1. 64Pb0. 36Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 superconductors. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 423, p. 51-56, 2005.
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19.   GOVEAALCAIDE, E ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; MUNE, P . Correlation between normal and superconducting transport properties of Bi1. 65Pb0. 35Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 ceramic samples. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 423, p. 152-162, 2005.
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20.   GOVEAALCAIDE, E ; MUNE, P ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Normal-state properties of uniaxially pressed Bi1. 65Pb0. 35Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 ceramics. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 35, p. 680-688, 2005.
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21.   GOVEAALCAIDE, Ernesto ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; MUNé, Pedro . Microstructural properties of Bi1. 65Pb0. 35Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 and Bi1. 65Pb0. 35Sr2CaCuO8 ceramic samples through transport measurements: a comparative study. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research, v. 202, p. 2484-2493, 2005.
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22.   GUSEV, G. M. ; DUARTE, C. A. ; QUIVY, Alain André ; LAMAS, Tomás Erikson ; LEITE, José Roberto ; BAKAROV, A K ; TOROPOV, A I . Spin dependent Hall effect in parabolic well with quasi-three-dimensional electron gas. Physical Review B - Solid State, p. 165311, v. 71, 2005.
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23.   GUSEV, G. M. ; SOTOMAYOR, N M ; SEABRA, A C ; QUIVY, A. A. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Quantum Hall ferromagnet in a two-dimensional electron gas coupled with quantum dots. Physica E, 2005.
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24.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; WIERTS, A. ; MANFRINI, M. A. ; SPRINGHOLZ, G. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. ; ABRAMOF, E. . Band-edge polarized optical absorption in europium chalcogenides. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 72, p. 155337, 2005.
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25.   HOBI JR, e ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; NOVAES, F D ; SILVA, e Z da ; FAZZIO, A . Contaminants in Suspended Gold Chains: An Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study. Physical Review Letters, v. 95, p. 16960, 2005.
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26.   HUMMER, K. ; AMBROSCH-DRAXL, C. ; BUSSI, G. ; RUINI, A. ; CALDAS, M. J. ; MOLINARI, E. ; LASKOWSKI, R. ; CHRISTENSEN, N. E. . Ab-initio study of excitonic effects in conventional and organic semiconductors. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, Alemanha, v. 242, p. 1754-1758, 2005.
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27.   JUSTO, J F ; SILVA, C. R. S. da ; PEREYRA, I. ; ASSALI, L. V. C. . Structural and electronic properties of Si(1-x) C(x) O(2). Materials Science Forum, Suiça, v. 483485, p. 577, 2005.
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28.   LAMAS, T. E. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; SERGIO, C. s. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; PORTAL, J. C. . High mobility of a three-dimensional hole gas in parabolic quantum wells grown on GaAs(311)A substrates. Journal of Applied Physics, p. 076107, v. 97, n. 1, 2005.
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29.   LARICO, R ; MACHADO, W V M ; ASSALI, L. V. C. ; JUSTO, J F . A theoretical model for the nickel-related defect centers in diamond. Diamond and Related Materials, v. 14, p. 380, 2005.
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30.   LIMA, I C da Cunha ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, José Roberto . Spin polarization by tilted magnetic field in wide Ga1-xAlxAs parabolic quantum wells. Journal of Superconductivity, v. 18, n. 2, p. 169-173, 2005.
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31.   LIMA, Ivan C da Cunha ; RODRIGUES, Sara Cristina Pinto ; SIPAHI, Guilherme Matos ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, José Roberto . Controlling the charge and the spin polarization distributions in (In,Ga,Mn)As-based diluted magnetic semiconductor multilayered structures. Journal of Superconductivity, v. 18, n. 1, p. 61-67, 2005.
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32.   LIMA, N. A. ; CALDAS, M. J. . Long range van der Waals density functional: Dimers involving alkali-metal, alkaline-earth-metal, and noble-gas atoms. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, USA, v. 72, n. 3, p. 033109-1-033109-4, 2005.
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33.   MACHADO, W V M ; JUSTO, J F ; ASSALI, L. V. C. . 3d-transition metals in cubic and hexagonal silicon carbide. Materials Science Forum, Suiça, v. 483485, p. 531, 2005.
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34.   MANTILLA, J C ; PONTUSCHKA, W M ; GAMARRA, L F ; SALVADOR, V L ; COUTO, S G ; COSTA FILHO, A J ; BRITO, G E S ; SAGREDO, V ; BINDILATTI, V. . Magnetic resonance in the Zn_{1-x}Mn_xIn_2Se_4 dilute magnetic semiconductor system. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, v. 17, p. 2755-2762, 2005.
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35.   MARQUES, M ; TELES, L K ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; FURTHMÜLLER, J ; BECHSTEDT, F ; FERREIRA, L G . Magnetic properties of MnN: influence of strain and crystal structure. Applied Physics Letters, p. 164105, v. 86, n. 16, 2005.
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36.   MARQUES, M. ; FERREIRA, Luiz Guimarães ; TELES, L. K. ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro . Monte Carlo simulations applied to Al(x)Ga(y)In(1-x-y)N quaternary alloys a comparative study of (Al, Ga, In)X (X=As,P or N) systems. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, p. 205204, v. 71, n. 20, 2005.
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37.   MARQUES, M. ; TELES, L. K. ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J. R. ; FERREIRA, L G . Ab initio studies of indium separated phases in AlGaInN quaternary alloys. Physica Status Solidi. C, Conferences and Critical Reviews, v. 2, p. 2508, 2005.
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38.   MASSABNI, A. C. ; CORBI, P. P. ; MELNIKOV, P. ; ZACHARIAS, M. A. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. . Four new metal complexes with the amino acid deoxyalliin. J. Braz. Chem. Soc. , v. 16, n. 4, p. 718-722, 2005.
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39.   MIOTTO, R ; FERRAZ, A. C. ; SRIVASTAVA, G P . Maleic Anhydride Adsorption on Silicon (001). Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 123, p. 74708, 2005.
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40.   MIOTTO, R ; SRIVASTAVA, G P ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Methanol Adsorption on SIlicon (001). Surface Science, v. 575, p. 287, 2005.
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41.   MIWA, R H ; ORELLANA, W ; FAZZIO, A. . Carbon Nanotube Adsorbed on Hydrogenated Si(001) Surfaces. Applied Surface Science, v. 244, p. 124, 2005.
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42.   MIWA, R H ; ORELLANA, W ; FAZZIO, A. . Substrate-Dependent Electronic Properties of an Armchair Carbon Nanotube Adsorbed on H/Si(001) - CAPA DA REVISTA. Applied Physics Letters, v. 86, p. 21311, 2005.
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43.   Martini, S. ; Quivy, A. A. ; Lamas, T. E. ; da Silva, E. C. F. . Real-time RHEED investigation of indium segregation in InGaAs layers grown on vicinal GaAs(001) substrates. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 72, p. 153304, 2005.
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44.   NOVAES, F D ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A ; SILVA, e Z da . Computer Simulations in the Study of Gold Nanowires: The Effect of Impurities. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing, v. 81, p. 1551, 2005.
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45.   ORELLANA, W ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Oxygen-Induced Atomic Desorptions in Oxynitrides: Density Functional Calculations. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 72, p. 20531, 2005.
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46.   ORMEÑO, P. G. G. ; PETRILLI, H. M. ; SCHON, C. G. . Ab initio calculation of the BCC Mo - Al (Molybdenum - Aluminium) phase diagram: implications for the nature of the zeta_2-MoAl Phase. Scripta Materialia (Oxford), v. 53, n. 6, p. 751-756, 2005.
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47.   ORMENO, P. G. G. ; NOGUEIRA, R. N. ; SCHÖN, C. G. ; PETRILLI, H. M. . Magnetic behavior of Fe sites in Fe-Mo-Al alloys: the role of the first neighborhood. Calphad (New York), v. 29, n. 3, p. 222-229, 2005.
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48.   PADUAN-FILHO, A. ; GRATENS, X. ; BINDILATTI, V. ; OLIVEIRA JR, N. F. ; SHAPIRA, Y. . Magnetization steps in the diluted Heisenberg layer materials (CH3NH3)2MnxCd1 xCl4: Equilibrium data at 0. 6 K. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 72, n. 6, p. 064415, 2005.
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49.   PADUANFILHO A. ; ALVES, W. A. ; CERCHIARO, G. ; TOMAZELA, D. M. ; EBERLIN, M. N. ; FERREIRA, A. C. . Infinite zig-zag and cyclic-tetranuclear isomeric imidazolate-bridged polynuclear copper(II) complexes: Magnetic properties, catalytic activity and electrospray mass and tandem mass spectrometry characterization. Inorganica Chimica Acta, EUA, v. 358, n. 13, p. 3581-3591, 2005.
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50.   PAIVA, R de ; ALVES, J L A ; NOGUEIRA, R A ; LEITE, J R ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro . Cubic binary compounds MnN and MnAs and diluted magnetic Ga1-xMnxN semiconductor alloys: a first-principles study. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 288, p. 384, 2005.
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51.   PICKHOLZ, M. ; dos SANTOS, M. C. . Theoretical investigation on pi-dimer formation in oligothiophenes. Journal of Molecular Structure. Theochem, v. 717, p. 99-106, 2005.
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52.   PIQUINI, P ; BAIERLE, R J ; SCHMIDT, T. m. ; FAZZIO, A. . Formation Energy of Native Defects in BN Nanotubes: An Ab Initio Study. Nanotechnology (Bristol), v. 16, p. 827, 2005.
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53.   Pagnossin, I. R. ; da Silva, E. C. F. ; Quivy, A. A. ; Martini, S. ; Sergio, C. S. . The quantum mobility of a two-dimensional electron gas in selectively doped GaAs?InGaAs quantum wells with embedded quantum dots. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 97, n. 11, p. 113709, 2005.
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54.   RECHENBERG, H. R. ; MORELLON, L. ; ALGARABEL, P. A. ; IBARRA, M. R. . Magnetic moment at highly frustrated sites of antiferromagnetic Laves phase structures. Physical Review B, v. 71, n. 104412, p. 1-6, 2005.
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55.   ROSSATO, J ; BAIERLE, R J ; FAZZIO, A. ; MOTA, R. . Vacancy Formation Process in Carbon Nanotubes: First-Principles Approach. Nano Letters, v. 5, p. 197, 2005.
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56.   SALAZAR, D G P ; S. F. Li ; CERDEIRA, F. ; MENESES, E. ; LEITE, J. R. ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; AS, D. J. ; LISCHKA, K. . Growth and characterization of cubic InxGa1-xN epilayers on two different types of substrate. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, v. 284 (3, p. 379, 2005.
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57.   SCHMIDT, T. m. ; MIWA, R H ; VENEZUELA, P ; FAZZIO, A. . Stability and Electronic Confinement of Free-Standing InP Nanowires: Ab Initio Calculations. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 72, p. 19340, 2005.
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58.   SCHOENMAKER, Jeroen ; POJAR, Mariana ; BARRERA, Angela Dayana Barra ; SEABRA, A. c. ; SANTOS, Antonio Domingues dos . Chemical Etching Tip Processing for Magneto-Optical Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy. Microscopy & Microanalysis, Estados Unidos, v. 11, n. 3, p. 18-21, 2005.
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59.   SCHOENMAKER, Jeroen ; SANTOS, Antonio Domingues dos ; SOUCHE, Yves ; SEABRA, A. c. ; THIAVILLE, Andre ; FERRé, Jacques ; JAMET, Jean Pierre . Local hysteresis loop measurements by magneto-optical scanning near-field optical microscope. Journal of Applied Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 98, n. 8, p. 86108-86111, 2005.
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60.   SILVA, C. R. S. da ; JUSTO, J F ; PEREYRA, I. ; ASSALI, L. V. C. . A first principles investigation on hypothetical crystalline phases of silicon oxycarbide. Diamond and Related Materials, Inglaterra, v. 14, p. 1142, 2005.
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61.   SOUSA, E. C. ; ALVES, C. R. ; AQUINO, R. ; SOUSA, M. H. ; GOYA, G. F. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; TOURINHO, F. A. ; DEPEYROT, J. . Experimental evidence of surface effects in the magnetic dynamics behavior of ferrite nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 289, p. 118-121, 2005.
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62.   SOUZA, J A ; YU, Yikuo ; NEUMEIER, J J ; TERASHITA, H ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Method for analysing second-order phase transitions: application to the ferromagnetic transition of a polaronic system. Physical Review Letters, v. 94, p. 207209, 2005.
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63.   Souza, J. ; Jardim, R. . Magnetoresistivity in the clustered state of La0. 7?xYxCa0. 3MnO3 manganites. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 71, p. 054404, 2005.
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64.   ZANELLA, I ; FAZZIO, A ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr . Electronic and Structural Properties of C59Si on the Monohydride Si(100) Surface. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. 103, p. 557, 2005.
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65.   da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A ; ANTONELLI, A . Bundling up Carbon Nanotubes Through Wigner Defects. Nano Letters, v. 5, p. 1045, 2005.
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66.   da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A ; SANTOS, R R dos ; OLIVEIRA, L e . Disorder and the Effective Mn-Mn Exchange Interaction in Ga1-xMnxAs Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 72, p. 12520, 2005.
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