Journal Articles 2013

1.   ABDALLA, L. B. ; SEIXAS, L. ; SCHMIDT, T. M. ; MIWA, R. H. ; Fazzio, A..Topological insulator Bi_{2}Se_{3}(111) surface doped with transition metals: An ab initio investigation. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 88, p. 045312-1-045312-12, 2013. 
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2.   ALONSO, Leonardo ; NAGAMINE, LUIZ CARLOS C. M. ; Cornejo, Daniel R..Magnetization and Magnetoresistance First-Order-Reversal-Curves Analysis in Spin Valves. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. v. 26, p. 1397-1400, 2013. 
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3.   AMORIM, RODRIGO G. ; Fazzio, A. ; DA SILVA, ANTÔNIO J. R. ; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Confinement effects and why carbon nanotube bundles can work as gas sensors. Nanoscale (Print). v. 5, p. 2798-2803, 2013. 
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4.   ARAGON, F. H. ; COAQUIRA, J. A. H. ; HIDALGO, P. ; COHEN, R. ; Nagamine, L.C.C.M. ; SIVA, S. W. ; MORAIS, P. C. ; BRITO, H. F.. Experimental evidences of substitutional solution of Er dopant in Er-doped SnO2 nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. v. 15, p. 1343-1-1343-10, 2013. 
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5.   Arantes, F.R. ; CORNEJO, D. R.. Monte Carlo study of the magnetic properties of frozen and non-interacting nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. v. 15, p. 1-10, 2013. 
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6.   ARMAS, L E G ; HUILA, M F G ; POJAR, M ; PERES, H E M ; FERNANDES, F J R ; VALLE, M A ; ARAKI, K ; TOMA, H E ; SANTOS, A D ; SEABRA, A C. Effect of ethanol concentrations on few layer Schottky graphene transistors. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Print). v. 421, p. 012005, 2013. 
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7.   BADILLA, J. P. ; LASCIO, E. R. ; CORNEJO, D. R.. Magnetization and AC Susceptibility Study of Nb/Ni/Nb Thin Films. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. v. 49, p. 4534-4537, 2013. 
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8.   Blasques Bueno, V. ; SILVA, A. M. ; PEREIRA, E. M. A. ; CATALANI, L. H. ; TEIXEIRA NETO, E. ; Cornejo, D.R. ; PETRI, D. F. S.. Hybrid composites of xanthan and magnetic nanoparticles for cellular uptake. Chemical Communications (London. 1996. Print). v. xx, p. 1, 2013. 
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9.   BORGES, P. D. ; Borges, Pablo D. ; SCOLFARO, LUISA M.R. ; Leite Alves, Horácio W. ; DA SILVA, ERONIDES F. ; ASSALI, L. V. C.. Theoretical study of the influence of vacancies in the magnetic stability of V-, Cr-, and Mn-doped SnO2. Applied Surface Science. v. 267, p. 115-118, 2013. 
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10.   Caroena, G. ; MACHADO, W. V. M. ; JUSTO, J. F. ; ASSALI, L. V. C.. Lanthanide impurities in wide bandgap semiconductors: A possible roadmap for spintronic devices. Applied Physics Letters. v. 102, p. 062101, 2013. 
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11.   Cocchi, Caterina ; Prezzi, D. ; RUINI, A. ; CALDAS, M. J. ; Fasolino, A. ; MOLINARI, E..Concavity Effects on the Optical Properties of Aromatic Hydrocarbons.Journal of Physical Chemistry. C. v. 117, p. 12909-12915, 2013. 
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12.   DA COSTA FERREIRA, ANA MARIA ; DA SILVEIRA, VIVIAN C. ; ABBOTT, MARIANA P. ; CAVICCHIOLI, MAURICIO ; BROWN GONÇALVES, MARCOS ; Petrilli, Helena M. ; REZENDE, LEANDRO ; DO AMARAL, ANTONIA TAVARES ; FONSECA, DAVID E. PEDROSA ; CARAMORI, GIOVANNI FINOTO. Peculiar reactivity of a di-imine copper(II) complex regarding its binding to albumin protein. Dalton Transactions (2003. Print). v. 42, p. 6386-6396, 2013. 
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13.   ELENO, LUIZ T.F. ; ERRICO, LEONARDO A. ; GONZALES-ORMEÑO, PABLO G. ; Petrilli, Helena M. ; SCHÖN, CLÁUDIO G.. Ordering phase relationships in ternary iron aluminides. Calphad (New York). v. XX, p. online, 2013. 
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14.   F. G. G. Hernandez ; GUSEV, G. M. ; Bakarov, A.. Tuning of the Landé g-factor in AlGaAs/AlAs single and double quantum wells. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online). v. 456, p. 012015, 2013. 
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15.   FRANCHELLO, FLAVIO ; DE SOUZA, LEONARDO D. ; LAURETO, EDSON ; Quivy, Alain A. ; DIAS, IVAN F.L. ; DUARTE, JOSÉ L.. Influence of bimodal distribution and excited state emission on photoluminescence spectra of InAs self-assembled quantum dots. Journal of Luminescence. v. 137, p. 22-27, 2013. 
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16.   FREM, R. C. ; FERNANDES, R. J. ; SILVA, P. B. ; FREITAS, R. S. ; SILVA, P. ; FERNANDES, J. A. ; PAZ, F. A. A.. Supramolecular Assemblies And Magnetic Behaviours Of The M(Ii)/P-Aminopyridine/Malonate (M = Ni, Mn, Cu, Co) Systems. Polyhedron,. p. 112-117, 2013. 
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17.   GARCI'A-FORNARIS, I. ; MILLA'N, H. ; Jardim, R. F. ; Govea-Alcaide, E.. A nonlinear analysis of the transport Barkhausen-like noise measured in (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ superconductors. Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.). v. 23, p. 023116, 2013. 
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18.   Granado, E. ; LYNN, J. ; Jardim, R. ; Torikachvili, M.. Two-Dimensional Magnetic Correlations and Partial Long-Range Order in Geometrically Frustrated Sr_{2}YRuO_{6}. Physical Review Letters. v. 110, p. 017202, 2013. 
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19.   KUMAR, H. ; FANTINI, M. C. A. ; CORNEJO, D. R.. Evidence of Coexistence of Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Phases in Nearly Equiatomic FeRh.IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. v. 49, p. 4506-4509, 2013. 
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20.   LAHOUD, M. G. ; MARQUES, L. F. ; SILVA, P. B. ; JESUS, C. A. ; SILVA, C. C. ; ELLENA, J. ; Freitas, R S ; DAVOLOS, M. R. ; FREM, R. C.. Synthesis, crystal structure and photoluminescence of a binuclear complex of europium(III) containing 3,5-dicarboxypyrazolate and succinate. Polyhedron. v. 54, p. 1-7, 2013. 
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21.   LARICO, R. ; ASSALI, L. V. C. ; JUSTO, J. F.. Spin states of iron impurities in magnesium oxide under pressure: A possible intermediate state. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 87, p. 165113, 2013. 
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22.   Lopes, E.M. ; CÉSAR, D.F. ; FRANCHELLO, F. ; Duarte, J.L. ; Dias, I.F.L. ; Laureto, E. ; ELIAS, D.C. ; PEREIRA, M.V.M. ; GUIMARÃES, P.S.S. ; Quivy, A.A.. Theoretical and experimental study of the excitonic binding energy in GaAs/AlGaAs single and coupled double quantum wells. Journal of Luminescence. v. 144, p. 98-104, 2013. 
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23.   Mamani, J. B. ; Costa-Filho, A J ; CORNEJO, D. R. ; Vieira, E D ; Gamarra, L F.Synthesis and characterization of magnetite nanoparticles coated with lauric acid. Materials Characterization. v. 81, p. 28-36, 2013. 
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24.   MOSCOSO-LONDONO, O. ; CARRIAO, M. S. ; COSIO-CASTANEDA, C. ; BILOVOL, V. ; COHEN, R. ; NAGAMINE, L. C. C. M. ; MARTINEZ-SANCHEZ, R. ; LEDE, E. J. ; MARTINEZ-GARCIA, R. ; SOCOLOVSKY, L. M.. Magnetic Properties of $gamma-{ m Fe}_{2}{ m O}_{3}$ Nanoparticles at the Verge of Nucleation Process. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. v. 49, p. 4555-4558, 2013. 
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25.   NOCE, Rodrigo D ; PASSAMANI, E. C. ; KUMAR, H. ; Cornejo, D.R. ; Benedetti AV.Use of Conventional Electrochemical Techniques to Produce Crystalline Ferh Alloys Induced by Ag Seed Layer. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 573, p. 37-42, 2013. 
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26.   OLIVEIRA, V.B. ; Sandim, M.J.R. ; STAMOPOULOS, D. ; Renzetti, R.A. ; Santos, A.D. ; Sandim, H.R.Z.. Annealing effects on the microstructure and coercive field of two ferritic martensitic Eurofer steels: A comparative study. Journal of Nuclear Materials. v. 435, p. 189-195, 2013. 
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27.   R. Larico ; Larico, Rolando ; JUSTO, JOÃO F. ; ASSALI, L. V. C.. Iron in magnesium oxide at high pressures: a first principles theoretical investigation. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research. v. 250, p. n/a-754, 2013. 
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28.   SAKITA, A. M. P. ; PASSAMANI, E. C. ; Kumar, H. ; Cornejo, D R ; FUGIVARA, C. S. ; Noce, R.D. ; Benedetti AV. Influence of current density on crystalline structure and magnetic properties of electrodeposited Co-rich CoNiW alloys. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. xx, p. 1-6, 2013. 
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29.   SCOPEL, W. L. ; Fazzio A ; MIWA, R. H. ; SCHMIDT, T. M.. Graphene on amorphous HfO_{2} surface: An ab initio investigation. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 87, p. 165307-1-165307-6, 2013. 
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30.   SEBER, G. ; Freitas, R S ; Oliveria Jr, N F ; Lahti, Paul M.. Crystal Packing and Magnetism in Phenolic Nitronylnitroxides: 2-(3 ,5 -Dimethoxy-4 -hydroxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-4,5-dihydro-1 -imidazole-1-oxyl. Crystal Growth Design. v. 13, p. 893-900, 2013. 
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31.   SEIXAS, L. ; ABDALLA, L. B. ; SCHMIDT, T. M. ; Fazzio, A. ; MIWA, R. H..Topological states ruled by stacking faults in Bi[sub 2]Se[sub 3] and Bi[sub 2]Te[sub 3]. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 113, p. 023705-023705-4, 2013. 
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32.   SODRE, N. ; Garcia, J.C. ; Lucy Vitoria Credidio Assali ; GONZALES-ORMEN O, P. G. ; BLAHA, P. ; PETRILLI, Helena Maria ; SCHÖN, C. G.. Intrinsic uncertainty on ab initio phase diagram and compound formation energy calculations: BCC Mo Fe as a test case. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research. v. 270, p. 77, 2013.
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33.   SÁFAR, G. A. M. ; SIMÕES, T. R. G. ; PAULA, A. M. ; GRATENS, X. ; CHITTA, V. A. ; STUMPF, H. O.. A luminescent supramolecular assembly composed of a single-walled carbon nanotube and a molecular magnet precursor. Journal of Nanoparticle Research (Online). v. 15, p. 1436, 2013. 
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34.   TSYRULIN, N ; BATISTA, C D ; Zapf, V S ; JAIME, M ; HANSEN, B R ; NIEDERMAYER, C ; RULE, K C ; HABICHT, K ; PROKES, K ; KIEFER, K ; RESSOUCHE, E ; Paduan-Filho, A ; Kenzelmann, M. Neutron study of the magnetism in NiCl -4SC(NH ).Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 25, p. 216008, 2013. 
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35.   VÉRAS, LEIZ M. C. ; Cunha, Vanessa R. R. ; LIMA, FILIPE C. D. A. ; GUIMARÃES, MARIA A. ; VIEIRA, MARIANNE M. ; CAMPELO, YURI D. M. ; SAKAI, VANESSA Y. ; LIMA, DAVID F. ; CARVALHO JR, PAULO S. ; ELLENA, JAVIER A. ; SILVA, PAULO R. P. ; VASCONCELOS, LUCIENE C. ; GODEJOHANN, MARKUS ; Petrilli, Helena M. ; Constantino, Vera R. L. ; MASCARENHAS, YVONNE P. ; DE SOUZA DE ALMEIDA LEITE, JOSÉ ROBERTO. Industrial Scale Isolation, Structural and Spectroscopic Characterization of Epiisopiloturine from Pilocarpus microphyllus Stapf Leaves: A Promising Alkaloid against Schistosomiasis.Plos One. v. 8, p. e66702-e66702-11, 2013. 
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36.   WRASSE, E. O. ; BAIERLE, R. J. ; FAZZIO, A. ; SCHMIDT, T. M.. First-Principles Study of Group III Impurity doped PbSe: Bulk and Nanowire. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics). v. 87, p. 085428-1-085428-7, 2013. 
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FAVERO, P.P.; FERRAZ, A.C.; BAPTISTA, M.S.; and MIOTTO, R.. Bilipid membrane phase characterization  by reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS). Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications X, edited by Alexander N. Cartwright, Dan V. Nicolau, Proc. Of SPIE Vol. 8594, 85940O, 2013. Doi: 10.1117/12.2004755 


GOMULYA, W.; COSTANZO, G.D.; DE CARVALHO, E.J.F.; BISRI, S. Z.; DERENSKYI, V.; FRITSCH, M.; FRÖHLICH, N.; ALLARD, S; GORDIICHUK, P.; HERMANN, A.; MARRINK, S. J.; DOS SANTOS, M.C.; SCHERF, U.; and LOI, M.  A..Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Demand by Polymer Wrapping. Adv. Mater. v. 25, p. 2948-2956, 2013. Doi: 10.1002/


DIAS DA SILVA, L.G.G.V.; VERNEK, E.; INGERSENT, K.; SANDLER, N.; and ULLOA, S.E.. Spin-polarized conductance in double quantum dots:  Interplay of Kondo, Zeeman, and interference effects. Phys. Rev. B v.  87, p. 205313/1-205313/11, 2013. Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.205313DIAS DA SILVA, L.G.G.V.; ALVAREZ, G.; SUMMERS, M.S.; and DAGOTTO, E..  Charge Excitations in Two-Leg Ladders: A tDMRG Approach. J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. v. 26, p. 2193-2196, 2013. Doi: 10.1007/s10948-012-1484-6


Peculiar reactivity of a di-imine copper(II) complex regarding its binding to albumin protein. Vivian C. Silveira, Mariana P. Abbott, Mauricio Cavicchioli, Marcos B.  Gonçalves, Helena M. Petrilli, Leandro de Rezende,  Antonia T. Amaral, David E. P. Fonseca Dalton Trans. 42 6386 (2013)Fulltext:

41.   Linear magnetoresistance in HgTe quantum wells Gusev, GM (Gusev, G. M.)[ 1 ] Olshanetsky, EB (Olshanetsky, E. B.)[ 2 ] Kvon, ZD (Kvon, Z. D.)[ 2,3 ] Mikhailov, NN (Mikhailov, N. N.)[ 2 ] Dvoretsky, SA(Dvoretsky, S. A.)[ 2 ] PHYSICAL REVIEW B  Volume: 87   Edição: 8     Número do artigo: 081311   DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.081311   Publicado: FEB 25 2013



Quantum Hall Effect in n-p-n and n-2D Topological Insulator-n JunctionsGusev, GM (Gusev, G. M.)[ 1 ] Levin, AD (Levin, A. D.)[ 1 ] Kvon, ZD (Kvon, Z. D.)[ 2 ] Mikhailov, NN (Mikhailov, N. N.)[ 2 ];Dvoretsky, SA (Dvoretsky, S. A.)[ 2 ] ; PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 110   Edição: 7 Número do artigo: 076805   DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.076805   Publicado: FEB 14 2013



Electronic structure of super heavy atoms revisited;  Gitman, DM (Gitman, D. M.)1 Levin, AD (Levin, A. D.)1 Tyutin, IV (Tyutin, I. V.)2 Voronov, BL (Voronov, B. L.)2 ]; PHYSICA SCRIPTA  Volume: 87   Edição: 3     Número do artigo: 038104   DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/87/03/038104   Publicado: MAR 2013