Journal Articles 2004

1.   AGUIAR, O D ; ANDRADE, L A ; BARROSO, J J ; CAMARGO FILHO, L ; CARNEIRO, L A ; CASTRO, C S ; CASTRO, P J ; COSTA, C A ; COSTA, K M F ; ARAUJO, J C N ; LUCENA, A U ; PAULA, W ; REY NETO, e C ; SOUZA, S T ; FAUTH, A C ; FRAJUCA, C ; FROSSATI, G. ; FURTADO, S R ; LIMA, L C ; MAGALHãES, N S ; MARINHO JR, R M ; MATOS, e S ; MELO, J L ; MIRANDA, O D ; OLIVEIRA Jr. , N. F. ; PALEO, B W ; REMY, M A ; RIBEIRO, K L ; STELLATI, C ; VELLOSO JR, W F ; WEBER, J . The Brazilian spherical detector: progress and plans. Classical and Quantum Gravity, v. 21, p. 457-463, 2004.
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2.   ALVES, C. R. ; AQUINO, R. ; SOUSA, M. H. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; GOYA, G. F. ; TOURINHO, F. A. ; DEPEYROT, J. . Low temperature experimental investigation of finite-size and surface effects in CuFe2O4 nanoparticles of ferrofluids. Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, v. 20-21, p. 694-699, 2004.
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3.   ALVES, H W L ; ALVES, J L A ; SANTOS, A M ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J R . Ab initio calculation of the (100) and (110) surface phonon dispersion of GaAs and GaN. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 34, n. 2B, p. 617, 2004.
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4.   ALVES, H W L ; ALVES, J L A ; SANTOS, A M ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J R . Strain-induced shifts of the zone-center phonons of III-Nitrides. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 34, n. 2B, p. 678, 2004.
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5.   ALVES, W. A. ; PADUANFILHO A. ; FERREIRA, A. C. . Equilibria and Catalytic Properties of a Chloro-Bridge Diimine Copper(ll) Complex. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 15, p. 872-883, 2004.
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6.   ANTIC, B. ; GOYA, G. F. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; KUSIGERSKI, V. ; JOVIC, N. ; MITRIC, M. . Spin glass formation in Li-substituted Co2TiO4 spinel. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, v. 16, p. 651-659, 2004.
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7.   ASSALI, L. V. C. ; MACHADO, W V M ; JUSTO, J F . Titanium impurities in silicon, diamond, and silicon carbide. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 34(2B), p. 602, 2004.
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8.   ASSALI, L. V. C. ; MACHADO, W V M ; JUSTO, J. f. . Structural and electronic properties of 3d transition metal impurities in silicon carbide. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, EUA, v. 69, p. 155212-1-155212-8, 2004.
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9.   AYRES, F. ; ASSALI, L. V. C. ; MACHADO, W V M ; JUSTO, J F . A first principles investigation of mercuric iodide: bulk properties and intrisic defects. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 34(2B), p. 681, 2004.
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10.   BARBOSA, K. O. ; ASSALI, L. V. C. ; MACHADO, W V M ; JUSTO, J F . Structural and Electronic Properties of Ti Impurities in SiC: An Ab Initio Investigation. Computational Materials Science, v. 30, p. 57-61, 2004.
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11.   BERQUó, T. S. ; THOMPSON, R. ; PARTITI, C. S. M. . Magnetic study of Brazilian peats from São Paulo state. Geoderma (Amsterdam), v. 118, p. 233, 2004.
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12.   BINDILATTI, V. ; GRATENS, X. ; OLIVEIRA JR, N. F. ; SHAPIRA, Y. ; FONER, S ; GOLACKI, Z ; HAAS, T E . Magnetization steps in Zn(1-x)MnxO: Four largest exchange constants and single-ion anisotropy. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 69, p. 125209, 2004.
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13.   BUENO-BáQUES, D. ; HERNANDEZ, E. P. ; MATUTES-AQUINO, José ; REZENDE, S. M. ; CORNEJO, D. R. . Study of magnetization reversal in hybrid magnets. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, SWITZERLAND, v. 369, n. 1-2, p. 158-161, 2004.
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14.   CARVALHO, A. C. M. ; dos SANTOS, M. C. . Polarization Effects in the calculation of N1s binding energies of Carbon-Nitrogen Molecules. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 338, p. 254-257, 2004.
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15.   CASTRO, G. M. B. ; RODRIGUES, A. R. ; MACHADO, F. L. A. ; ARAUJO, A. E. P. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; NIGAM, A. K. . Magneto-impedance measurements in bulk samples of La0. 7Ca0. 3MnO3 and La0. 6Y0. 1Ca0. 3MnO3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 369, p. 108-111, 2004.
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16.   CASTRO, G. M. B. ; RODRIGUES, A. R. ; MACHADO, F. L. A. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Evidence of dynamical phase separation in La0. 6Y0. 1Ca0. 3MnO3 manganite. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 272, p. 1848-1850, 2004.
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17.   CHOQUE, N M Sotomayor ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, J. R. . Evolution from commensurability to size-effects structures in three dimensional billiards. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 34, n. 2B, p. 638, 2004.
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18.   CHOQUE, N M Sotomayor ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, J. R. ; BYKOV, A A ; KALAGIN, A. K. ; TOROPOV, A. I. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Negative linear classical magnetoresistance in a corrugated two-dimensional electron gas. Physical Review B - Solid State, p. 235326, v. 70, 2004.
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19.   COPPOLA, H Rodriguez ; SANCHEZ, J Tutor ; LEITE, José Roberto ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; MOLINER, F Garcia . The absorption coefficient of low dimensional semiconductor systems: The photoluminescence of InGaN quantum dot. Microelectronics Journal, v. 35, p. 103, 2004.
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20.   CORNEJO, D. R. ; PADRON-HERNANDEZ, E. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; AZEVEDO, A. ; REZENDE, S. M. . Study of magnetic properties in ball-milled MnFeCo composites. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. , v. 272/6, p. e1211-e1213, 2004.
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21.   CORNEJO, D. R. ; PADRóN HERNáNDEZ, E. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; AZEVEDO, A. ; REZENDE, S. M. . Study of magnetic properties in ball-milled MnFeCo. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Holanda, v. 272, p. E1211-E1213, 2004.
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22.   CUCINOTTA, C. S. ; RUINI, A. ; CALDAS, M. J. ; MOLINARI, E. . Ab Initio Study of Chemisorption Reactions for Carboxylic Acids on Hydrogenated Silicon Surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Estados Unidos, v. 108, p. 17278-17280, 2004.
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23.   DALPIAN, G M ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Adsorption of Mn Atoms on the Si(100) Surface. Surface Science, v. 566, p. 688, 2004.
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24.   DALPIAN, G M ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Initial Stages of Ge and Si Growth Near SB Monoatomic Steps on Si(100). Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 70, p. 19330, 2004.
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25.   DEACON, R. S. ; HENRIQUES, A. B. ; NICHOLAS, R. J. ; MASON, N. J. . High Field Magnetoresistance of Strongly Coupled Superlattices. Aip Conference Proceedings, Estados Unidos, v. 772, p. 1019, 2004.
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26.   DROPPA JR, R. ; RIBEIRO, C. T. M. ; ZANATTA, R. A. ; dos SANTOS, M. C. ; ALVAREZ, F. . Comprehensive spectroscopic study of nitrogenated carbon nanotubes. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 69, p. 45405-45413, 2004.
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27.   ESCOTE, M T ; PONTES, F. M. ; LEITE, E. R. ; LONGO, E. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; PIZANI, P. S. . High oxygen pressure annealing effects on the ferroelectric and structural properties of PbZr0. 3Ti0. 7O3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 96, p. 2186-2191, 2004.
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28.   ESTIBALS, O. ; KVON, Z. D. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; ARNAUD, G. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Magnetoconductivity of a spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas near the (111) silicon surface. Physica E. Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, v. 22, p. 446, 2004.
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29.   FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . An Ab Initio Study of Manganese Atoms and Wires Interacting with Carbon Nanotubes. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, v. 16, p. 3647, 2004.
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30.   FAGAN, S B ; MOTA, R ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Substitutional Si Doping in Deformed Carbon Nanotubes. Nano Letters, v. 4, p. 975, 2004.
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31.   FERLAUTO, A S ; ALVAREZ, F ; FONSECA, F C ; GOYA, G F ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Co-sputtered carbon-nickel nanocomposite thin films. Journal Of Metastable And Nanocrystalline Materials, v. 20, p. 700-704, 2004.
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32.   FERNANDEZ, J R L ; CERDEIRA, F ; MENESES, e A ; SOARES, J A N T ; NORIEGA, O C ; LEITE, J. R. ; AS, D J ; KÖHLER, U ; SALAZAR, D G P ; SCHIKORA, D ; LISCHKA, K . Near band-edge optical properties of cubic GaN with and without carbon doping. Microelectronics Journal, v. 35, p. 73, 2004.
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33.   FERRAZ, A. C. ; MIOTTO, R . A Comparative Study of the Interaction of Cyclopentene, Cyclohexene and 1,4-Cyclohexadiene with the Silicon (001) Surface. Surface Science, v. 566, p. 713, 2004.
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34.   FERRAZ, A. C. ; MIOTTO, R . Adsorption and Decomposition of Acetone on Si(001). Applied Surface Science, v. 234, p. 185, 2004.
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35.   FERRETTI, A. ; RUINI, A. ; BUSSI, G. ; MOLINARI, E. ; CALDAS, M. J. . Ab initio study of transport parameters in polymer crystals. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 69, p. 205205-1-205205-10, 2004.
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36.   FONSECA, F C ; CARNEIRO, A S ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; KIMURA, T. . Magnetization steps in phase-separated Cr-doped Nd0. 5Ca0. 5MnO3 manganites. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 95, p. 7085-7087, 2004.
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37.   FONSECA, F. C. ; SOUZA, Jose Antonio ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; MUCCILLO, R. ; MUCCILLO, E. N. S. ; GOVEA, D. ; JUNG, M. H. ; LACERDA, A. H. . Transport properties and phase separation in polycrystalline La0. 6Y0. 1Ca0. 3MnO3 compounds with different pore concentration. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, v. 24, p. 1271-1275, 2004.
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38.   FONTES, A. P. S. ; PADUANFILHO A. ; GUERRA, W. ; ALMEIDA, M. V. ; W. A. ALVES ; FERREIRA, A. C. . New Copper Complexes Containing 2-Furoic Hydrazide and 5-Nitro Furoic Hydrazide Ligands: Sunthesis, Thermal, Magnetic and Spectroscopic Characterization. Transition Metal Chemistry, Holanda, v. 29, n. 4, p. 382-387, 2004.
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39.   GARCIA, J C ; LINO, A T ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J R ; FREIRE, V N ; FARIAS, G A ; SILVA JR, e F da . First principles studies of relativistic and spin-orbit effects on the HfO2 band structures. Physica Status Solidi. C, Conferences and Critical Reviews, v. 1, n. S2, p. S236, 2004.
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40.   GARCIA, J C ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, J R ; LINO, A T ; FREIRE, V N ; FARIAS, G A ; SILVA JR, e F da . Effective masses and dielectric function of cubic HfO2. Applied Physics Letters, v. 85, n. 21, p. 5022, 2004.
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41.   GOVEAALCAIDE, E ; MUNé, P. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Effects of uniaxial and isostatic compacting pressures on the Jc(Ba) behavior in Bi1. 65Pb0. 35Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 408, p. 56-57, 2004.
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42.   GOVEAALCAIDE, E ; MUNé, P. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Inhomogeneous distribution of uniaxial compacting pressure and its effects on transport properties of Bi1. 65Pb0. 35Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy superconductors. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 408, p. 711-712, 2004.
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43.   GUSEV, G. M. ; C. S. SERGIO, ; LAMAS, T. E. ; LEITE, J. R. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; ESTIBALS, O. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Charge density wave instability in a parabolic well in perpendicular magnetic field. Physica E. Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Holanda, v. 22, p. 115-118, 2004.
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44.   GUSEV, G. M. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; LEITE, J. R. . Anomalous Hall effect in a wide parabolic well. Physica Status Solidi. C, Conferences and Critical Reviews, Berlim, v. 1, n. S2, p. S181-S187, 2004.
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45.   GUSEV, G. M. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; LEITE, J. R. ; ESTIBALS, O. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Transport of the quasi-three-dimensional hole gas in a magnetic field in the ultra quantum limit. Physica E. Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Holanda, v. 22, p. 336-340, 2004.
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46.   GUSEV, G. M. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; LEITE, J. R. ; ESTIBALS, O. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Transport properties of a quantum Hall ferromagnet in parabolic wells. Physica E. Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Holanda, v. 22, p. 90-93, 2004.
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47.   HANAMOTO, L. K. ; HENRIQUES, A. B. ; OLIVEIRA, N. F. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. ; ABRAMOF, E. . Sharp lines in the absorption edge of EuTe and Pb0. 1Eu0. 9Te in high magnetic fields. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, Grã-Bretanha, v. 16, p. 5597, 2004.
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48.   HANAMOTO, L. K. ; HENRIQUES, A. B. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. ; OLIVEIRA, N. F. ; ABRAMOF, E. . Magnetic field induced absorption in PbxEu1-xTe magnetic semiconductors. Brazilian Journal of Physics (Impresso), Brasil, v. 34, p. 687, 2004.
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49.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; DEACON, R. S. ; NICHOLAS, R. J. . Monte Carlo study of miniband conduction in extreme type-II superlattices. Brazilian Journal of Physics (Impresso), Brasil, v. 34, p. 605, 2004.
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50.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; HANAMOTO, L. K. ; TER HAAR, E. ; ABRAMOF, E. ; UETA, A. Y. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. . Tuning of the magnetic field induced sharp band-edge optical absorption in europium chalcogenides. International Journal of Modern Physics B, Singapore, v. 18, p. 3813, 2004.
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51.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; NICHOLAS, R. J. ; DEACON, R. S. ; MASON, N. J. . Magnetoresistance studies of strongly coupled superlattices. Physica E. Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Hollanda, v. 22, p. 316, 2004.
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52.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; OLIVEIRA, R. F. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; QUIVY, A. A. . Measurement of miniband parameters of a doped superlattice by photoluminescence in high magnetic fields. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics, Grã-Bretanha, v. 37, p. 2949, 2004.
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53.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; OLIVEIRA, R. F. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; QUIVY, A. A. . Van Hove singularities detected by photoluminescence in doped AlGaAs/GaAs superlattices. Aip Conference Proceedings, Estados Unidos, v. 772, p. 979, 2004.
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54.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. . Magnetic field induced polarized optical absorption in europium chalcogenides. Aip Conference Proceedings, Estados Unidos, v. 772, p. 1397, 2004.
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55.   HERNANDEZ, E. P. ; ROMERO, S. A. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; REZENDE, S. M. ; CORNEJO, D. R. . Magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed MnO+FeCo. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 369, p. 269-272, 2004.
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56.   KVON, Z. D. ; V. RENARD ; GUSEV, G. M. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Large positive quasi-classical magnetoresistance in high mobility 2D electron gas: interplay of short and long-range disorder. Physica E. Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Holanda, v. 22, p. 332-335, 2004.
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57.   LARICO, R ; ASSALI, L. V. C. ; MACHADO, W V M ; JUSTO, J F . Nickel Impurities in Diamond: a FP-LAPW Investigation. Computational Materials Science, v. 30, p. 62-66, 2004.
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58.   LARICO, R ; ASSALI, L. V. C. ; MACHADO, W V M ; JUSTO, J. f. . Isolated nickel impurities in diamond: A microscopic model for the electrically active centers (vol. 84, pg. 720, 2004). Applied Physics Letters, EUA, v. 85, p. 6293, 2004.
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59.   LARICO, R. ; JUSTO, J. F. ; MACHADO, W. V. M. ; ASSALI, L. V. C. . Electronic properties of isolated nickel in diamond. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 34, p. 669, 2004.
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60.   LOURENçO, S A ; DIAS, I F L ; DUARTE, J L ; LAURETO, e ; POçAS, L C ; TOGINHO FILHO, D O ; LEITE, J. R. . Thermal expansion contribution to the temperature dependence of excitonic transitions in GaAs and AlGaAs. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. submit, 2004.
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61.   MANTILLA, J C ; BINDILATTI, V. ; ter HAAR, E. ; COAQUIRA, J. A. H. ; BRITO, G E S ; GRATENS, X. ; SAGREDO, V . Spin glass behavior in MnIn2Se4 and Zn(1-x)MnxIn2Se4 magnetic semiconductors. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 272, p. 1308-1309, 2004.
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62.   MANTILLA, J. C. ; BRITO, G. E. S. ; ter HAAR, E. ; SAGREDO, V ; BINDILATTI, V. . Structure of Zn(1-x)MnxIn2Se4 crystals grown by chemical vapour transport. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, v. 16, p. 3255-3562, 2004.
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63.   MARQUES, M ; FERREIRA, L G ; TELES, L K ; SCOLFARO, L M R ; LEITE, J. R. . Phase separation process and the emission mechanisms in AlGaInN quaternary alloys. Physical Review Letters, v. submit, 2004.
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64.   MARQUES, M ; TELES, L K ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; FERREIRA, L G ; LEITE, J R . Microscopic description of the phase separation process in AlxGayIn1-x-yN quaternary alloys. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, p. 073202, v. 70, n. 7, 2004.
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65.   MASSABNI, A. C. ; CORBI, P. P. ; MELNIKOV, P. ; ZACHARIAS, M. A. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. . Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of new metal(II) complexes with methionine sulfoxide. J. Coord. Chemistry, v. 57, p. 1225-1231, 2004.
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66.   MIOTTO, R ; FERRAZ, A. C. ; SRIVASTAVA, G P . Adsorption of C2H2-C2O3 on Si(001). Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 34, p. 563, 2004.
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67.   MIOTTO, R ; OLIVEIRA, M C ; PINTO, M M ; PéREZ, F de León ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Acetonitrile Adsorption on Si(001). Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 69, p. 23533, 2004.
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68.   MIOTTO, R ; OLIVEIRA, M C ; PINTO, M M ; PéREZ, F de León ; FERRAZ, A. C. . CH3CN on Si(001): Adsorption Geometries and Electronic Properties. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 34, p. 690, 2004.
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69.   MIRANDA, C R ; ANTONELLI, A ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Vacancy-Like Defects in a-Si: A First Principles Study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 338340, p. 400, 2004.
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70.   NOVAES, F D ; SILVA, e Z da ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Effect of Impurities on the Breaking of Au Nanowires. Surface Science, v. 566, p. 367, 2004.
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71.   NUNES, R. W. ; ASSALI, L. V. C. ; JUSTO, J F . Ab Initio Investigations on the Dislocation Core Properties in Zinc-Blende Semiconductors. Computational Materials Science, Holanda, v. 30, p. 67-72, 2004.
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72.   OLIVEIRA, R. F. ; HENRIQUES, A. B. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; QUIVY, A. A. . Optical measurement of miniband dispersion and bandgap renormalization in modulation-doped AlGaAs/GaAs superlattices. International Journal of Modern Physics B, Singapore, v. 18, p. 3817, 2004.
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73.   OLIVEIRA, R. F. ; HENRIQUES, A. B. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; PAMPLONA-PIRES, M. ; SOUZA, P. L. ; YAVICH, B. ; ABRAMOF, E. . Luminescence from miniband states in heavily doped superlattices. Brazilian Journal of Physics (Impresso), Brasil, v. 34, p. 650, 2004.
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74.   ORELLANA, W ; MIWA, R H ; FAZZIO, A. . Stability and Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Adsorbed on Si(001). Surface Science, v. 566, p. 728, 2004.
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75.   ORELLANA, W ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Diffusion-Reaction Mechanisms of Nitriding Species in SiO2. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 70, p. 12520, 2004.
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76.   PADUAN FILHO, A. ; GRATENS, X. ; OLIVEIRA Jr. , N. F. . Field-induced magnetic ordering in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2. Physical Review B Rapid Comm, v. 69, n. 020405, p. 1-4, 2004.
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77.   PADUANFILHO A. ; GRATENS, X. ; OLIVEIRA, N. F. . Field-induced magnetic ordering in NiCl2. 4SC(NH2)2. Physical Review B - Solid State, EUA, v. 69, n. 020405, p. 20405, 2004.
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78.   PADUANFILHO A. ; OLIVEIRA, N. F. ; GRATENS, X. . High-field magnetization in the quantum spin system NiCl2. 4SC(NH2)2. Journal of Applied Physics, EUA, v. 95, p. 7537-7539, 2004.
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79.   PADUANFILHO A. ; SANTOS, R. H. A. ; ALVES, W. A. ; BECERRA, C. C. ; BORIN, A. C. ; FERREIRA, A. C. . Molecular structure and intra and intermolecular magnetic interactions in chloro bridge copper dimers. Inorganica Chimica Acta, EUA, v. 357, p. 2269-2278, 2004.
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80.   PAIVA, R de ; ALVES, J L A ; NOGUEIRA, R A ; LEITE, J R ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro . Diluted magnetic Ga1-xMnN alloys: a first-principles study. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 34, n. 2B, p. 647, 2004.
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