Journal Articles 2009

1.   Alves, Wendel A. ; Matos, Iorquirene O. ; Takahashi, Pedro M. ; Bastos, Erick L. ; Martinho, Herculano ; Ferreira, Janaina G. ; Silva, Claudia C. ; de Almeida Santos, Regina H. ; PADUAN-FILHO A. ; FERREIRA, A. C.. A Chloro-Bridged Linear Chain Imine-Copper(II) Complex and Its Application as an Enzyme-Free Amperometric Biosensor for Hydrogen Peroxide. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. v. 2009, p. 2219-2228, 2009. 
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2.   Alves-Santos, Marcelo ; Caldas, Marília J.. Classical simulation of deposition of thiophene oligomers on TiO2-anatase: Relevance of long-range electrostatic interactions. Synthetic Metals. v. 159, p. 2302-2305, 2009. 
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3.   ARANTES, J T ; LIMA, M. P. ; FAZZIO, A. ; Xiang, H.J. ; WEI, S H ; DALPIAN, G. M.. Effects of Side-Chain and Electron Exchange Correlation on the Band Structure of Perylene Diimide Liquid Crystals: A Density Functional Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. v. 113, p. 5376-5380, 2009.
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4.   ARMAS, L. E. G. ; Gusev, G. M. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; Bakarov, A. K. ; PORTAL, J. C.. QUANTUM HALL FERROMAGNET IN A DOUBLE WELL WITH VANISHING g-FACTOR. International Journal of Modern Physics B. v. 23, p. 2933, 2009. 
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5.   ASSALI, L. V. C. ; Machado, W.V.M. ; JUSTO, J.f.. Trends on 3d transition metal impurities in diamond. Physica. B, Condensed Matter. v. 404, p. 4515-4517, 2009. 
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6.   Behar, Moni ; Fadanelli, Raul C. ; Abril, Isabel ; Garcia-Molina, Rafael ; Denton, Cristian D. ; Nagamine, Luiz C. C. M. ; Arista, Néstor R.. Energy loss of proton, ? particle, and electron beams in hafnium dioxide films. Physical Review. A. v. 80, p. 062901, 2009. 
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7.   CALDWELL, J. D. ; BOWERS, Cliford ; GUSEV, G. M.. Resistively Detected ESR and ENDOR Experiments in Narrow and Wide Quantum Wells: A Comparative Study. Topics in Applied Physics. v. 115, p. 1-13, 2009.
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8.   Castro, G. M. B. ; GESHEV, J. ; SCHMIDT, J. E. ; Saitovich, E. B. ; NAGAMINE, L. C. C. M.. Cone magnetization state and exchange bias in IrMn?Cu?[Co?Pt][sub 3] multilayers. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 106, p. 113922, 2009. 
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9.   Chiatti, O. ; Zherlitsyn, S. ; Sytcheva, A. ; Wosnitza, J. ; Zvyagin, A. A. ; Zapf, V. S. ; JAIME, M ; Paduan-Filho, A.. Ultrasonic investigation of NiCl -4SC(NH ). Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Print). v. 150, p. 042016, 2009. 
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10.   Cornejo, D.R. ; Noce, R.D. ; Peixoto, T.R.F. ; Barelli, N. ; Sumodjo, P.T.A. ; Benedetti, A.V.. First order reversal curve analysis of nanocrystalline Pd80Co20 alloy films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 479, p. 43-48, 2009. 
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11.   Costa, A.C.F.M. ; Diniz, A.P. ; Silva, V.J. ; Kiminami, R.H.G.A. ; Cornejo, D.R. ; Gama, A.M. ; Rezende, M.C. ; Gama, L.. Influence of calcination temperature on the morphology and magnetic properties of Ni Zn ferrite applied as an electromagnetic energy absorber. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 483, p. 563-565, 2009. 
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12.   Costa, A.C.F.M. ; Silva, V.J. ; Ferreira, H.S. ; Costa, A.A. ; Cornejo, D.R. ; Kiminami, R.H.G.A. ; Gama, L.. Structural and magnetic properties of chromium-doped ferrite nanopowders. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 483, p. 655-657, 2009. 
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13.   CVEJIC, Z. ; ANTIC, B. ; KREMENOVIC, A. ; RAKIC, S. ; GOYA, G. F. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; JOVALEKIC, C. ; SPASOJEVIC, V.. Influence of heavy rare earth ions substitution on microstructure and magnetism of nanocrystalline magnetite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 472, p. 571-575, 2009. 
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14.   dos SANTOS, M. C. ; Alvarez, Fernando. Spin current in the Möbius cyclacene belts. Chemical Physics Letters. v. 471, p. 276-279, 2009. 
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15.   DUARTE, C. A. ; Gusev, G. M. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; Bakarov, A. K. ; PORTAL, J.-C.. VALLEY SPLITTING AND g-FACTOR IN AlAs QUANTUM WELLS. International Journal of Modern Physics B. v. 23, p. 2948, 2009. 
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16.   Díaz, B. ; ABRAMOF, Eduardo ; RAPPL, Paulo Henrique de Oliveira ; GRANADO, E. ; CHITTA, V. A. ; HENRIQUES, A. B. ; OLIVEIRA JR, N. F.. Magnetic resonant X-ray diffraction applied to the study of EuTe films and multilayers. International Journal of Modern Physics B. v. 23, p. 2979-2983, 2009.
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17.   ElMassalami, M ; Moreno, R ; Takeya, H ; Ouladdiaf, B ; Lynn, J W ; Freitas, R S. Magnetic structures of quaternary intermetallic borocarbides RCo B C (R = Dy, Ho, Er). Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. v. 21, p. 436006, 2009. 
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18.   M ELMassalami ; R E Rapp ; F A B Chaves ; R Moreno ; H Takeya ; B Ouladdiaf ; Q Huang ; R S Freitas ; N F Oliveira Jr ; Nei F. de Oliveira Jr.. Synthesis and magnetic characterization of TmCo B C. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. v. 21, p. 046007, 2009. 
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19.   HERNANDEZ, F. G. G. ; Henriques, A. B. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. ; ABRAMOF, E.. Magnetic field induced near-band-gap optical properties in EuTe layers. International Journal of Modern Physics B. v. 23, p. 2999-3003, 2009. 
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20.   FAGAN, S B ; MENEZES, V. ; ZANELLA, I ; MOTA, R. ; ROCHA, A. R. ; FAZZIO, A.. Electronic, Structural and Transport Properties of Nicotinamide and Ascorbic Acid Interacting with Carbon Nanotubes. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. v. 1142, p. 15-25, 2009.
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21.   Gamarra, L F ; Pontuschka, W M ; Mamani, J B ; Cornejo, D R ; Oliveira, T R ; Vieira, E D ; Costa-Filho, A J ; Amaro Jr, E. Magnetic characterization by SQUID and FMR of a biocompatible ferrofluid based on Fe O. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. v. 21, p. 115104, 2009. 
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22.   Garcia, J. C. ; JUSTO, J. F. ; MACHADO, W. V. M. ; ASSALI, L. V. C.. Functionalized adamantane: Building blocks for nanostructure self-assembly. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 80, p. 125421, 2009. 
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23.   Garcia, S. ; ANDRADE, S. ; Jardim, R. F. ; FONSECA, F. C. ; TORIKACHVILI, M. S. ; LACERDA, A. H..Logarithmic contribution to the electrical resistivity in (Ru_{1?x}Ir_{x})Sr_{2}GdCu_{2}O_{8} compounds. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 80, p. 134520, 2009.
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24.   GOVEAALCAIDE, Ernesto ; PerezAcosta, L. ; MUNE, Pedro ; JARDIM, R. F., JARDIM, R. DE F.. Efecto de tamaño en granos superconductores de (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+y. Revista Cubana de Física. v. 26, p. 51-54, 2009.
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25.   GRATENS, X. ; BINDILATTI, V ; CHITTA, V A ; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, N. F. ; ISBER, S. ; GOLACKI, Z.. EPR study of local symmetry sites of Ce^{3+} in Pb_{1?x}Ce_{x}A ( A=S , Se, and Te). Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 79, p. 075207-075207, 2009. 
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26.   Gusev, G. M.. TRANSPORT IN A BILAYER SYSTEM AT HIGH LANDAU FILLING FACTOR. International Journal of Modern Physics B. v. 23, p. 2603, 2009. 
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27.   Gusev, G. M. ; KVON, Z. D. ; OLSHANETSKY, E. B. ; Plotnikov, A. Y.. Magnetic-field asymmetry of nonlinear transport in a small ring. Europhysics Letters (Print). v. 88, p. 47007, 2009. 
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28.   Gusev, G. M. ; Wiedmann, S. ; Raichev, O. E. ; Bakarov, A. K. ; PORTAL, J. C.. Emergent and reentrant fractional quantum Hall effect in trilayer systems in a tilted magnetic field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 80, p. 161302, 2009. 
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29.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; ABRAMOF, E. ; RAPPL, P. H. O.. Theory of near-gap second harmonic generation in centrosymmetric magnetic semiconductors: Europium chalcogenides. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 80, p. 245206, 2009. 
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30.   Henriques, A. B. ; EFROS, AL. L.. Magnetoconfined levels in a parabolic quantum dot: An analytical solution of a three-dimensional Fock Darwin problem in a tilted magnetic field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 80, p. 153302, 2009. 
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31.   Henriques, A. B. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. ; ABRAMOF, E.. MAGNETO-OPTICAL ABSORPTION AND PHOTOMAGNETISM IN EUROPIUM CHALCOGENIDES. International Journal of Modern Physics B. v. 23, p. 2769, 2009. 
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32.   I. Abril ; M. Behar ; R. Garcia-Molina ; FADANELLI, R. C. ; NAGAMINE, L. C. C. M. ; GRANDE, P. L. ; Schünemann, L. ; Denton, C. D. ; Arista, N. R. ; SAITOVITCH, E. B.. Experimental and theoretical studies of the energy-loss straggling of H and he ion beam in HfO2 filmsee. European Physical Journal D. v. 54, p. 65-70, 2009. 
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33.   Jacinto, Marcos J. ; Santos, Osvaldo H.C.F. ; Jardim, Renato F. ; Landers, Richard ; Rossi, Liane M..Preparation of recoverable Ru catalysts for liquid-phase oxidation and hydrogenation reactions. Applied Catalysis. A, General. v. 360, p. 177-182, 2009. 
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34.   Jorge, L.M.M. ; Caldas, M.J.. Effects of torsional disorder on poly-para-phenylene. Synthetic Metals. v. 159, p. 2222-2224, 2009. 
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35.   KAMINSKI, B. ; LAFRENTZ, M. ; PISAREV, R. V. ; YAKOVLEV, D. R. ; PAVLOV, V. V. ; LUKOSHKIN, V. A. ; Henriques, A. B. ; SPRINGHOLZ, G. ; BAUER, G. ; ABRAMOF, E. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. ; BAYER, M.. Spin-Induced Optical Second Harmonic Generation in the Centrosymmetric Magnetic Semiconductors EuTe and EuSe. Physical Review Letters (Print). v. 103, p. 057203, 2009. 
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36.   Klautau, A B ; Socolovsky, L M ; Nogueira, R N ; Petrilli, H M ; Petrilli, H. M.. Hyperfine and magnetic properties of Fe Cu clusters and Fe precipitates embedded in a Cu matrix. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. v. 21, p. 506001, 2009. 
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37.   Kuli?ska, A ; Wodniecki, P ; Wodniecka, B ; Petrilli, H. M. ; Terrazos, L A ; Uhrmacher, M ; Lieb, K P.Hyperfine interaction studies with Ta and Cd probes in the compound Ti Ag. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. v. 21, p. 095405, 2009. 
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38.   LARICO, R. ; JUSTO, J. F. ; MACHADO, W. V. M. ; ASSALI, L. V. C.. Electronic properties and hyperfine fields of nickel-related complexes in diamond. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 79, p. 1155202-1-1155202-10, 2009. 
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39.   Lima Jr., E. ; VARGAS, J. M. ; Zysler, R. D. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; COHEN, R. ; ARBIOL, J. ; GOYA, G. F. ; IBARRA, A. ; IBARRA, M. R.. Single-step chemical synthesis of ferrite hollow nanospheres. Nanotechnology (Bristol). v. 20, p. 045606, 2009.
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40.   LIMA, M. P. ; FAZZIO, A ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr. Edge Effects in Bilayer Graphene Nanoribbons: Ab Initio Total-Energy Density Functional Theory Calculations. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 79, p. 153401-1-153401-4, 2009. 
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41.   Mamani, N. C. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; da Silva, E. C. F. ; Raichev, O. E. ; Quivy, A. A. ; BAKAROV, A. K..Classical and quantum magnetoresistance in a two-subband electron system. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 80, p. 085304, 2009. 
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42.   Mamani, N. C. ; Gusev, G. M. ; Raichev, O. E. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; Bakarov, A. K.. Nonlinear transport and oscillating magnetoresistance in double quantum wells. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 80, p. 075308, 2009. 
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43.   Martins, T. B. ; Fazzio, A. ; da Silva, Antônio J. R. ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr. Organic molecule assembled between carbon nanotubes: A highly efficient switch device. Physical Review. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 79, p. 115413-1-115413-4, 2009. 
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44.   MASUNAGA, S. H. ; Jardim, R. F. ; P. F. P. Fichtner ; Rivas, J.. Role of dipolar interactions in a system of Ni nanoparticles studied by magnetic susceptibility measurements. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 80, p. 184428, 2009. 
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45.   MIOTTO, R ; FERRAZ, A.C.. Furan interaction with the Si(001)-(2 2) surface: structural, energetics, and vibrational spectra from first-principles. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. v. 21, p. 055006, 2009. 
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46.   MIOTTO, R. ; Ferraz, A. C. ; Baptista, Maurício S.. A New Approach to the Prediction of Partition Coefficients in Water/Organic Interfaces. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. v. 6, p. 1115-1119, 2009. 
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47.   MIOTTO, R. ; FERRAZ, A.C.. The role of carbon impurities on the Si(001)-c(4 4) surface reconstruction: Theoretical calculations. Surface Science. v. 603, p. 1229-1235, 2009. 
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48.   Morais, R R O ; Dias, I F L ; da Silva, M A T ; Cesar, D F ; Duarte, J L ; Lourenço, S A ; Laureto, E ; da Silva, E C F ; Quivy, A A. Effects of confinement on the electron phonon interaction in Al Ga As/GaAs quantum wells. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. v. 21, p. 155601-155607, 2009. 
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49.   Nanda, Prasant Kumar ; Bera, Manindranath ; Ferreira, Ana Maria da Costa ; Paduan-Filho, Armando ; Ray, Debashis ; PADUAN-FILHO A.. Formation of out of plane oxime metallacycles in [Cu2] and [Cu4] complexes. Polyhedron. v. 28, p. 4065-4071, 2009. 
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50.   Oliveira, Flavia C. C. ; Rossi, Liane M. ; Jardim, Renato F. ; Rubim, Joel C.. Magnetic Fluids Based on ?-Fe O and CoFe O Nanoparticles Dispersed in Ionic Liquids. Journal of physical chemistry. C. v. 113, p. 8566-8572, 2009. 
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51.   OTERO, X ; FERREIRA, T ; HUERTADIAZ, M ; PARTITI, C ; SOUZAJR, V ; VIDALTORRADO, P ; MACIAS, F. Geochemistry of iron and manganese in soils and sediments of a mangrove system, Island of Pai Matos (Cananeia SP, Brazil). Geoderma (Amsterdam). v. 148, p. 318-335, 2009. 
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52.   Paduan-Filho, A. ; Al-Hassanieh, K. A. ; Sengupta, P. ; JAIME, M.. Critical Properties at the Field-Induced Bose-Einstein Condensation in NiCl_{2}-4SC(NH_{2})_{2}. Physical Review Letters (Print). v. 102, p. 077204, 2009. 
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53.   Paduan-Filho, A. ; Al-Hassanieh, K. A. ; Sengupta, P. ; Zapf, V. S. ; JAIME, M. ; LACERDA, A. ; KENZELMANN, M.. Critical behavior of the magnetization in the spin-gapped system NiCl[sub 2] 4SC(NH[sub 2])[sub 2]. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 105, p. 07D501, 2009. 
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54.   Peres, Marcelos L. ; CHITTA, V. A. ; Oliveira, Nei F. ; Maude, D. K. ; RAPPL, P. H. O. ; Ueta, A. Y. ; Abramof, E.. Antilocalization of hole carriers in Pb_{1?x}Eu_{x}Te alloys in the metallic regime. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 79, p. 085309-085309, 2009. 
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55.   PONTES, R B ; FAZZIO, A. ; DALPIAN, G. M.. Barrier-Free Substitutional Doping of Graphene Sheets with Boron Atoms: Ab Initio Calculations. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics). v. 79, p. 033412, 2009. 
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56.   RIGO, V. A. ; MARTINS, T B ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A ; MIWA, R H.Electronic, Structural, and Transport Properties of Ni-Doped Graphene Nanoribbons. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 79, p. 075435, 2009. 
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57.   SCHOENHALZ, A. L. ; ARANTES, J T ; FAZZIO, A. ; DALPIAN, G. M.. Surface Magnetization in Non-Doped ZnO Nanostructures. Applied Physics Letters. v. 94, p. 162503-1-162503-3, 2009.
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58.   SCOPEL, W L ; FAZZIO, A ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr. Theoretical Investigation of Hf and Zr Defects in c-Ge. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. v. 21, p. 012206, 2009. 
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59.   SILVEIRA, V. C. ; Caramori, G. F. ; ABBOTT, M. P. ; GONCALVES, M. B. ; PETRILLI, H. M. ; Ferreira, A. M. C.. Oxindole-Schiff base copper(II) complexes interactions with human serum albumin: spectroscopic, oxidative damage, and computational studies. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. v. 103, p. 1331-1341, 2009. 
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60.   Sodré, Ney ; Guillermo Gonzales-Ormeño, Pablo ; Petrilli, Helena Maria ; Schön, Cláudio Geraldo. Ab initio calculation of the BCC Fe Al Mo (Iron Aluminum Molybdenum) phase diagram: Implications for the nature of the ?2?2 phase. Calphad (New York). v. 33, p. 576-583, 2009.
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61.   SOUZA, J. A. ; JARDIM, R. F., JARDIM, R. DE F.. Electrical transport in disordered and ordered magnetic domains under pressures and magnetic fields. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics. v. 42, p. 032006, 2009. 
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62.   Souza-Neto, Narcizo M. ; Ramos, Aline Y. ; Tolentino, Hélio C. N. ; MARTINS, Alessandro ; SANTOS, Antonio Domingues dos. Depth-dependent local structures in thin films unraveled by grazing-incidence X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Crystallography. v. 42, p. 1158-1164, 2009. 
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63.   Wiedmann, S. ; Gusev, G. M. ; Raichev, O. E. ; Bakarov, A. K. ; PORTAL, J. C.. High-order fractional microwave-induced resistance oscillations in two-dimensional systems. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 80, p. 035317, 2009. 
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64.   Wiedmann, S. ; Gusev, G. M. ; Raichev, O. E. ; LAMAS, T. E. ; Bakarov, A. K. ; PORTAL, J. C..MAGNETORESISTANCE OSCILLATIONS IN DOUBLE QUANTUM WELLS UNDER MICROWAVE IRRADIATION. International Journal of Modern Physics B. v. 23, p. 2943, 2009. 
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65.   Wiedmann, S. ; Mamani, N. C. ; Gusev, G. M. ; Raichev, O. E. ; Bakarov, A. K. ; PORTAL, J. C..Magnetoresistance oscillations in multilayer systems: Triple quantum wells. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 80, p. 245306, 2009. 
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66.   Zherlitsyn, S. ; Chiatti, O. ; Sytcheva, A. ; Wosnitza, J. ; Zvyagin, A. A. ; Zapf, V. S. ; JAIME, M ; PADUAN-FILHO A.. Ultrasonic investigation of NiCl -4SC(NH ) in the vicinity of the quantum critical points. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online). v. 145, p. 012069, 2009. 
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