Jornal Articles 2000


1.   AZEVEDO, D. L. ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; LIMA, M. A. P. . Effective Configurations in Electron-Molecule Scattering. Physical Review. A, v. 61, p. 2702, 2000.
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2.   BECERRA, C. C. ; BINDILATTI, V. ; OLIVEIRA JR, N. F. . Evidence for the Ising-Lifshitz Crossover in MnP. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 62, p. 8965-8968, 2000.
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3.   BYKOV, A. A. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, A. A. ; BAKAROV, A K ; MOSHEGOV, A. I. ; CASSE, M. ; MAUDE, D. K. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Hall effect in a spatially fluctuating magnetic field with zero mean. Physical Review B, USA, v. 61, n. 8, p. 5505-5510, 2000.
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4.   Becerra CC . Evidence for a new phase in MnP at very low fieds. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 12, 5889-5895 (2000), GRã BRETANHA, v. 12, p. 5889-5895, 2000.
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5.   Becerra CC ; A. Paduan Filho . Weak Ferromagnetism in manganese tartrate dihydrate MnC4H4O6. 2H2O. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 12, 2071-2078 (2000), v. 12, p. 2071-2078, 2000.
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6.   Becerra CC ; PALACIO, F. ; A. Paduan Filho . Induced ferromagnetic alignment in the one-dimensional Heisenberg linear chain antiferromagnet (CH3)2NH2MnCl3. 2H2O below the three-dimensional ordering temperature. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 12, 6207-6215 (2000), GRA BRETANHA, v. 12, p. 6207-6215, 2000.
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7.   CALDAS, M. J. . Si Nanoparticles as a Model for Porous Si. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, v. 217, p. 641-663, 2000.
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8.   CASSE, M. ; KVON, Z. D. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; OLSHANETSKII, E. B. ; LITVIN, L. V. ; PLOTNIKOV, A. E. ; MAUDE, D. K. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Temperature dependence of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations and the energy spectrum in a single-mode ballistic ring. Physical Review B, USA, v. 62, n. 4, p. 2624-2629, 2000.
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9.   CHOQUE, N. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, A. A. ; CHITTA, V. A. . Theoretical analysis of magnetoresistance commensurability oscillations of 2D electrons in antidot lattice in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field. Microelectronics Engineering, v. 51, p. 111-117, 2000.
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10.   COAQUIRA, J. A. H. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; MESTNIK FILHO, J. . Hydrogen absorption effects in the Zr(Fe0. 5Cr0. 5)2 compound. Hyperfine Interactions, v. 126, p. 205-210, 2000.
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11.   CONCEIçãO, A. ; COHENCA, C. H. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Strucutral, transport, and magnetic properties of Pr1. 85Ce0. 15CuO4-y prepared through different precursors. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 333, p. 170-180, 2000.
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12.   DABROWSKI, J. ; CASALI, R. A. ; MUSSIG, H. J. ; BAIERLE, R. ; CALDAS, M. J. ; ZAVODINSKY, V. . Mechanism of Dopant Segregation to SiO2/Si (001) Interfaces. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Amer Inst Physics, Melville, v. 18, p. 2160-2164, 2000.
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13.   DABROWSKI, J. ; MUSSIG, H. J. ; BAIERLE, R. ; CALDAS, M. J. ; ZAVODINSKY, V. . Segregation of Phosphorus to SiO2/Si (001) Interfaces. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, v. 3, p. 85-89, 2000.
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14.   DIAO, X. G. ; SCORZELLI, R. B. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. . 57Fe Mössbauer study of perovskite-type Fe-Nitrides gamma'-(Fe1-xNix)4N (0<=x<=0. 8). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 218, p. 81-90, 2000.
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15.   ESCOTE, M T ; SILVA, A. M. L. ; MATOS, J. R. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . General properties of polycrystalline LnNiO3 (Ln = Pr, Nd, Sm) compounds prepared through different precursors. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, v. 151, p. 298-307, 2000.
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16.   Escote, M. T. ; WESTPHAL, C. H. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Magnetic properties of polycrystalline LnNi0. 3Co0. 7O3 (Ln = La, Pr) compounds. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 87, p. 5908-5910, 2000.
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17.   FAGAN, S B ; BAIERLE, R J ; MOTA, R ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; FAZZIO, A . Ab Initio Calculations for a Hypothetical Material: Silicon Nanotubes. Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 61, p. 9994, 2000.
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18.   FAZZIO, A ; JANOTTI, A. ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; MOTA, R . Microscopic Picture of the Single Vacancy in Germanium. Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 61, p. R2401, 2000.
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19.   FERNANDEZ, J R L ; CHITTA, V. A. ; ABRAMOF, E. ; FERREIRA DA SILVA, A. ; LEITE, J. R. ; TABATA, A. ; AS, D J ; FREY, T ; SCHIKORA, D ; LISCHKA, K . Electrical Properties of Cubic InN and GaN Epitaxial Layers as a Function of Temperature. Mrs Internet Journal Nitride Semiconductor Research, Boston, USA, v. 595, p. W3-40, 2000.
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20.   FRIZZARINI, Marcos ; da Silva, E C F ; QUIVY, Alain André ; CAVALHEIRO, Ademir ; LEITE, José Roberto ; MENESES, Eliermes Arraes . Effects of thermally activated hole escape mechanism on the optical and electrical properties in p-type Si ?-doped GaAs(311)A layers. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), The american Physical Society, v. 61, n. 20, p. 13923-13928, 2000.
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21.   GOYA, G. F. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. . Mechanosynthesis of intermetallic Fe100-xAlx obtained by reduction of Al/Fe2O3 composite. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, v. 12, p. 10579-10590, 2000.
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22.   GOYA, G. F. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; CHEN, M. ; YELON, W. B. . Magnetic irreversibility in ultrafine ZnFe2O4 particles. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 87, p. 8005-8007, 2000.
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23.   GOYA, G. F. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; JIANG, J. Z. . Magnetic irreversibility and relaxation in CuFe2O4 nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 218, p. 221-228, 2000.
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24.   GRATENS, X. ; BINDILATTI, V. ; ter HAAR, E. ; OLIVEIRA JR, N. F. ; SHAPIRA, Y. ; GOLACKI, Z. . Magnetization steps from Ce3+-pairs in Pb_(1-x)Ce_xSe. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, Holanda, v. 284, p. 1519-1520, 2000.
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25.   GRATENS, X. ; ter HAAR, E. ; BINDILATTI, V. ; OLIVEIRA JR, N. F. ; SHAPIRA, Y. ; LIU, M. T. ; GOLACKI, Z. ; CHARAR, S. ; ERREBBAHI, A. . Magnetization Steps in Sn_(1-x)Eu_xTe: Eu-Eu exchange and Eu distribution. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, Inglaterra, v. 12, p. 3711-3718, 2000.
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26.   GUSEV, G. M. ; LEITE, A. A. ; OLSHANETSKY, E. B. ; MAUDE, D. K. ; M. CASSE, ; PORTAL, J. C. ; MOSHEGOV, A. I. ; TOROPOV, A. I. . Magnetooscillations of electrons in nonparabolic confining potential. Physica E, Holanda, v. 6, p. 112-115, 2000.
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27.   HAAS, H. ; PETRILLI, H. M. . Quadrupole Moments of the Halogen Nuclei. Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 61, p. 13588-13592, 2000.
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28.   HENRIQUES, A. B. ; HANAMOTO, L. K. ; SOUZA, P. L. ; YAVICH, B. . Observation of densely populated Tamm states in modulation-doped superlattices (Rapid Communication). Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Estados Unidos, v. 61, p. R13369-R1372, 2000.
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29.   JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. ; EARLY, E. A. ; MAPLE, M. B. . Superconductivity in polycrystalline Sm1. 85(Ce1-xThx)0. 15CuO4-y compounds. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 341-34, p. 675-676, 2000.
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30.   JARVIS, E. A. A. ; FATTAL, E. ; da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; CARTER, E. A. . Characterization of Photoionization Intermediates via Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment, & General Theory, v. 104, p. 2333, 2000.
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31.   JUSTO, J. F. ; FAZZIO, A. ; ANTONELLI, A . Dislocation Core Reconstruction in Zinc-Blende Semiconductors. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, v. 12, p. 10039, 2000.
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32.   LEMOS, V. ; SILVEIRA, E. ; LEITE, J. R. ; TABATA, A. ; TRENTIN, R. ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; FREY, T. ; AS, D. J. ; SCHIKORA, D. ; LISCHKA, K. . Evidence for phase-separated quantum dots in cubic InGaN layers from resonant Raman scattering. Physical Review Letters, Lancaster, USA, v. 84, p. 3666, 2000.
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33.   LEMOS, V. ; SILVEIRA, E. ; LEITE, J. R. ; TABATA, A. ; TRENTIN, R. ; FREY, T ; AS, D J ; SCHIKORA, D ; LISHKA, K. . Resonant Raman Scattering and the Emission Process in Zincblende In(x)Ga(1-x)N. Material Science Forum, Zurique, Suiça, v. 338-42, p. 1595, 2000.
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34.   MALARENKO JR, H. ; BINDILATTI, V. ; OLIVEIRA JR, N. F. ; LIU, M. T. ; SHAPIRA, Y. ; PUECH, L. . Distant-neighbor exchange interactions in Cd_(1-x)Mn_xTe. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, Holanda, v. 284, p. 1523-1524, 2000.
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35.   MALARENKO, H. ; V. BINDILATTI ; OLIVEIRA Jr. , N. F. ; LIU, M. T. ; SHAPIRA, Y. ; PUECH, L. . Distant Neighbors Exchange Interactions in Cd_ (1-x)Mn_ (x)Te. Physica B, v. 284, p. 1523-1524, 2000.
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36.   MARTINI, S. ; QUIVY, A A ; TABATA, A. ; LEITE, J. R. . Reduction of Indium Segregation in InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Vicinal GaAs (001) Substracts. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Estados Unidos, v. 18, p. 1991, 2000.
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37.   MIOTTO, R ; FERRAZ, A. C. ; SRIVASTAVA, G P . Dissociative Adsorption of NF3 on Si(001)-(2x1). Surface Science, v. 454, p. 152-156, 2000.
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38.   MIOTTO, R ; FERRAZ, A. C. ; SRIVASTAVA, G P . III-N(110) Surface Relaxation and its Dependence on the Chemical Bonding. Solid State Communications, v. 115, p. 67-71, 2000.
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39.   MIOTTO, R ; SRIVASTAVA, G P ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Effects of Gradient and Non-Linear Core Corrections on Structural and Electronic Properties of GaN bulk and (001) Surfaces. Physica. B, Condensed Matter, v. 292, p. 97-108, 2000.
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40.   MIOTTO, R ; SRIVASTAVA, G P ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Structure of Zn Adsorption on GaAs(001)-(2x4). Applied Physics Letters, v. 76, p. 3735-3737, 2000.
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41.   MIOTTO, R ; SRIVASTAVA, G P ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Theoretical Studies of the Initial Stages of Zn Adsorption on GaAs(001)-(2x4). Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 62, p. 13623-13630, 2000.
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42.   MIWA, R H ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Adsorption Process, Atomic Geometry, Electronic Structure and Stability of Si(001)/Te Surface. Surface Science, v. 449, p. 180-190, 2000.
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43.   NAGAMINE, L. C. C. M. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. ; HAN, X. F. ; BAGGIO-SAITOVITCH, E. ; AZEVEDO, I. S. ; LIN, L. Y. . Mössbauer spectroscopic study of R3Fe29-xCrx and R3Fe29-xCrxHy (R = Y,Ce,Nd,Sm,Gd, Tb and Dy). Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, v. 221, p. 767, 2000.
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44.   OLSHANETSKY, E. B. ; CASSE, M. ; KVON, Z. D. ; GUSEV, G. M. ; LITVIN, A. K. ; PLOTNIKOV, A. E. ; MAUDE, D. K. ; PORTAL, J. C. . Symmetric, gated, ballistic rings as tunable electron interferometer. Physica E, Hollanda, v. 6, p. 322-326, 2000.
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45.   ORELLANA, W. M. ; FERRAZ, A. C. . Structural Properties and Energetics of the Oxygen Impurity in GaAs. Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 61, p. 5326-5331, 2000.
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46.   PADUANFILHO A. ; BECERRA, C. C. . Weak ferromagnetism in manganese tartrate dihydrate. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, UK, v. 12, n. 9, p. 2071-2078, 2000.
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47.   PADUANFILHO A. ; BECERRA, C. C. ; PALACIO, F. . Induced ferromagnetic alignment in the 1D Heisenberg antiferromagnet (CH3)2NH2MnCl3. 2H2O. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, UK, v. 12, p. 6207-6215, 2000.
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48.   PASCOAL, H. B. ; PONTUSCHKA, W. M. ; RECHENBERG, H. R. . Investigation of Fe3+ and Fe2+ properties in calcium aluminoborate glasses. Applied Physics Letters, v. 70, p. 211-214, 2000.
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49.   PUSEP, Yu. A. ; SILVA, M. T. O. ; GALZERANI, J. C. ; RODRIGUES, Sara Cristina Pinto ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LIMA, A. P. ; QUIVY, A. A. ; LEITE, José Roberto ; MOSHEGOV, N. T. ; BASMAJI, P. . Raman measurement of vertical conductivity and localization effects in strongly coupled semiconductor periodical structures. Journal of Applied Physics, USA, v. 87, p. 1825, 2000.
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50.   RECHENBERG, H. R. . Comment on "Mössbauer effect study of filled antimony skutterudites". Physical Review B - Solid State, v. 62, p. 6827-6828, 2000.
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51.   RECHENBERG, H. R. ; DIAO, X. G. ; SCORZELLI, R. B. . Easy-axis change in perovskite-type Fe-Ni nitrides gamma'-(Fe1-xNix)4N: a Mössbauer study. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 87, p. 6037-6039, 2000.
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52.   RODRIGUES, Sara Cristina Pinto ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, José Roberto ; SIPAHI, Guilherme Matos . Valence band structure of cubic AlGaN/GaN superlattices. Applied Physics Letters, USA, v. 76, p. 1015, 2000.
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53.   SCHMIDT, T. m. ; JUSTO, J. F. ; FAZZIO, A. . The Effect of a Stacking Fault on the Electronic Properties of Dopants in Gallium Arsenide. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, v. 12, p. 10235, 2000.
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54.   TELES, L K ; FURTHMÜLLER, J ; SCOLFARO, L M R ; LEITE, J. R. ; BECHSTEDT, F . First-Principles Calculation of Thermodynamic and Structural Properties of Strained InGaN and AlGaN Alloys. Physical Review B - Solid State, Lancaster, v. 62, p. 2475, 2000.
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55.   TELES, Lara Kühl ; FURTHMÜLLER, J ; SCOLFARO, Luísa Maria Ribeiro ; LEITE, José Roberto ; BECHSTEDT, F. . First principles calculations of thermodynamic and structural properties of strained Al(x)Ga(1-x)N and In(x)Ga(1-x)N alloys. Physical Review B - Solid State, Lancaster, USA, v. 62, p. 2475, 2000.
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56.   WESTPHAL, C. H. ; JARDIM, R. F. , JARDIM, R. DE F. . Intergranular critical current behavior in polycrystalline Sm2-xCexCuO4-y compounds. Physica. C, Superconductivity, v. 341, p. 1455-1456, 2000.
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57.   da silva ajr or silva ajr or dasilva ajr ; JANOTTI, A. ; FAZZIO, A ; BAIERLE, R J ; MOTA, R . Self-Interstitial Defect in Germanium. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 62, p. 9903, 2000.
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